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  • May 4, 2017, 01:11 AM
    Effectiveness of Mosquitoes lamps?
    Summer is the season that mosquitoes like to come out the most! And I am always the one being severely attacked.. the fear of getting bitten outside makes me just want to stay indoors. But I actually like holding patio parties a lot... Should I get any one of the mosquitoes lamps to try? Any suggestion for which model I should get?
  • May 4, 2017, 01:53 AM
    There are half a thousand different products that claim to control mosquitoes. Every one of them have a little disclaimer somewhere in the packaging that says the product can only help, despite the advertising claims. One thing that is proven to reduce the number of mosquitoes in an area is eliminating standing water so the larvae have no place to grow. Another is keeping the lawn mowed close to prevent adult mosquitoes from hiding in the shade of grass blades during the daylight hours.

    After you have done those things (weekly), you can choose between zappers (if you have enough property to place them 100 feet from your yard) CO2 generators that can attract insects away, or fumigant oils or incense that burn during the party. The most effective control for mosquitoes, however, are bats. Putting up a bat house can reduce all flying insects in your area. House
  • May 4, 2017, 03:35 AM
    For you personally, (aside from the usual sprays), I've heard that mosquitoes like soap scents. I went on a canoe trip once without showering beforehand, and it was very hot, and despite clouds of mosquitoes and everyone else horribly bitten, I didn't get a single bite. Don't know how that will work for you at a patio party! Maybe try unscented soap and rinse well.
  • May 4, 2017, 08:17 AM
    Zappers and fogs can cut down on mosquitoes but none eliminate them completely. Sprays help some but not others, because it only takes a bite or two to ruin your outdoor fun.

    All of the above and stay away from those smell good human products and GOOD LUCK!
  • May 4, 2017, 09:16 AM
    We tried a Bat Tower in the Keys, The Bats flew off.
    Citronella candles work(outdoors only)
    Avon's "Skin so Soft"

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