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  • Apr 1, 2017, 10:50 AM
    New fast relationship/ dating
    Hi so I'm 25. I've been seeing this girl around school(24), for the past year maybe 3-4 times we usually just said hi to each other, and never had a conversation really, I though she was attractive but, didn't think I saw her enough for anything to happen, all of a sudden she appeared I saw her again at school I decided to ask her for her name and she did something very friendly at appear to my friends as attraction, so due to that the next time, I decided the next time I saw her I would get her, number... next time we saw each other we talked for a bit and got the number.she showed interest in me, from that day forward we have been talking everyday since through text, We have flirted, showed interest of a relationship and getting to know each other through text a little bit, but I really want to get to know her face to face. So I try not to ask too many things. We haven't seen each other since the day I received her number (6 days ago), we are both medical students with opposite class schedule and we both know it and have still agreed to make it work. She been very open with me about how she feels, so I have no doubt in my mine she's attracted to me. Ive also planned a date for the week of spring break.

    • My issue is I'm not sure if we are moving to fast or, if this is normal since we both have high attraction for each other.i have pretty high standered, and she has surpassed all of them without much work
    • We also live about 2 hours from each other, not a big deal to me
    • Usually I'm shy when it comes to girls i like, but with her through text im a bit more bold, so I'm not sure how to approach the situation when we do meet and talk in person, I'm not sure if I'm going to be nervous, or comfortable, I'm prob over thinking it, or should i just go with the flow.
    • she also very bold and has made it clear she want to make this relationship go some where. And so do i.
    • it will be difficult since we are both busy medical students, but we have also agreed to work hard to make it work.
    • so does this relationship/ dating/ talking seem like its maybe too fast, or it is just right. I wanted to do things slow but she ended up texting me pretty often. So i just went with the flow. Sorry for all this information.
    • And yes we also know we have a lot to learn about each other
    • thank you. For reading
  • Apr 1, 2017, 11:38 AM
    Sounds OK to me. She clearly likes you. You are both busy. Treasure the times you do get to see each other.
    Just TELL each other when school gets in the way, such as if you can't talk much during exams.
    Talking, saying what you feel, showing understanding - that's all there is.
    (If anything, I wonder if you are a bit slow. She gave you her number, a big deal, but you haven't called her in 6 days? Texting is a cold cousin to a voice.... call her!)
    You're doing fine.
  • Apr 1, 2017, 12:26 PM
    Keep your expectations in check. When you first start dating you're in the honeymoon period. It will be some time before you both get to know the real other person. Just go along for the ride and have a good time doing so. See where this takes you.
  • Apr 1, 2017, 01:02 PM
    Sex the first or second time you talk is fast, this sounds like normal, are you from a culture where dating or a girlfriend can take months ?
  • Apr 1, 2017, 02:58 PM
    Relax guy, as at this stage of getting to know each other, whatever pace you are both okay with is all that counts. Hopefully you can make some time in your busy schedules for person to person encounters and dates soon.

    Enjoy getting to know each other, and see where it goes without high unreasonable expectations, and the coming months will reveal more of can you work together to build something or not. Just relax and enjoy and see how things develop naturally between you.
  • Apr 2, 2017, 07:42 AM
    Sort of, and by the way I've been raised

    I think I was getting too comfortable, through text, so I called her and we talked for a bit, it went well, thanks for the advice
  • Apr 2, 2017, 08:41 AM
    Homegirl 50
    Take your time and get to know each other. This is "getting to know you" time, not a marriage proposal.
    Don't over think this.

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