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  • Mar 31, 2017, 03:32 AM
    Running toilet problem!
    Hello there. I'm wondering if someone can help identify a problem I have with my toilet. It is brand new (only installed two or three weeks old).

    We haven't had any problems with the toilet constantly running, until last night when on flushing, something must have broken - it was running constantly, and fast, as though it was still flushing. Inside the tank there was a plastic lever that seemed to be stuck in the 'dropped' position - when I lifted it up an inch or so the running stopped immediately, but if I took my hand away, it would drop again, and the running would start.

    I'm not sure if this is connected, but since it was installed this toilet has had a very weak flush. A plumber told us it was a faulty design of this model. But looking inside the tank it seems that the water level is very low (only perhaps 2 inches deep). This makes me wonder if the plastic part that has dropped is either connected to the float, or is something to do with the fill valve connected to the flapper.

    As all the parts are new, though, it can hardly be wear and tear or a warped or corroded flapper. Does anyone have any idea what the problem might be and how to fix it? For now, we have used an elastic band to secure the plastic arm / lever in the 'up' position so at least it's not running constantly.

    Any help, advice etc would be greatly appreciated.
  • Mar 31, 2017, 05:39 AM
    Post picture of the inside of the toilet tank.
  • Mar 31, 2017, 10:22 AM
    1 Attachment(s)
    Hello Jrenny,

    I agree with hkstroud, a picture will help also please see the images below and tell us which fill valve do you have, am sure it will be an easy fix if we know what part is broken, Thanks.

  • Mar 31, 2017, 01:03 PM
    A picture would help, or a description of you toilet tank parts. Hard to imagine your plumber didn't make adjustments, but I think he should be called back for this latest event. Does the tank fill up to proper level when you hold the flapper down AND allow the water to run?
  • Mar 31, 2017, 04:29 PM
    Hi Jrenny

    There is no toilet on the market that only has 2 inches of water in the tank for flushing so something is wayyyyy off here! Like these guys said, a picture of the inner tank parts would be helpful. Otherwise, a name brand and a model number would help also.

    I'm betting the toilet was installed by homeowner or handyman, but if it was installed by a plumber the plumber definitely needs to return as Talaniman suggested and make the proper adjustments on the tank parts.

    Finally, for all the plumbers/handy people on site, toilet tanks have changed dramatically the last 5 years... many are dual flush with some having two different flappers and very sophisticated (i.e. ridiculously complicated) connections in tank. For what it's worth, plan on asking for manufacturer and model number in the future if you are the first to answer... will definitely help speed our answers for these people!

    Thanks everyone!


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