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  • Feb 10, 2017, 10:22 AM
    1 Attachment(s)
    Left wingers read the Tea Party playbook, and they're SHOWING up..

    What shall we call this new left wing uprising??

    I vote for The Pu**y Hat Party.. How bout The GMP party??

    Attachment 48678

  • Feb 10, 2017, 11:54 AM
    TARD syndrome can be treated... (Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder)

    Get used to it... going to have at LEAST 4 years and most likely 8 more years of it.
  • Feb 10, 2017, 02:37 PM
    The Dems ran as the party of no to GW Bush in 2006-2008 and succeeded in taking the House Senate and Presidency . Unfortunately for them they then had to produce ,and that is where their plan went south .They swiftly enacted their agenda only to see one after the other fail .

    What they should remember is that after gains in the 2010 ,the Tea Party lost it's steam and the GOPe was able to regain control of the party after the 2012 elections . Don't look to Trump as the TP example . He defeated the TP standard bearer (Ted Cruz). Trump won because the morons in the GOP still have open primaries . Look at the early results when Trump was gaining momentum. All the closed primaries he lost . All the open primaries (where Dems were permitted to cross over and vote in the Repubic primary ) Trump won. He hijacked the nomination and won because the Dems stole the nomination from Sanders .
    Besides Trump who controls the GOP ? The same old same old inside the belt-way boys .

    But go ahead in that direction and let Bolshevik Bernie lead a left tea party revolt. The Dems will never recover from that . Trump took enough of the old Reagan /Bubba Clinton Democrats away from the Dems to swing the blue collar states . If you think the Dems can win without them then good luck.
  • Feb 11, 2017, 04:29 AM
    Democrats use violence and intimidation to insist minority kids stay in failing schools. Those who dare demand reform are targeted.

    Newly-Confirmed Education Secretary Betsy Devos Blocked From Entering DC School Video - ABC News

    That's the new Dem Tea Party for you .

    But what have the Dems said in the past ? Well Sen Corey Booker (at the DeVos founded American Federation for Children)and Elizabeth Warren have endorsed school choice and Booker worked with Betsy DeVos in the past on the issue .

    Here is Booker doing the keynote address at AFC :

    This is what Elizabeth Warren wrote in her book 'The Two Income Trap ' :

    An all-voucher or all-school choice system would be a shock to the educational system, but the shake out might be just what the system needs....over time, the whole concept of “the Beverly Hills schools” or “Newton schools” would die out, replaced in the hierarchy by schools that offer a variety of programs that parents want for their children, regardless of the geographic boundaries. By selecting where to send their children (and where to spend their vouchers), parents would take control over schools’ tax dollars, making them the de facto owners of those schools.
  • Feb 11, 2017, 06:13 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    That's the new Dem Tea Party for you .

    Hello again, tom:

    Yeah... Ain't it great?? Dissent WORKS.

  • Feb 11, 2017, 06:47 AM
    Got nothing against charters, or private schools, but the ones left behind are what IRKS me the most. That's the plan I want to hear about.
  • Feb 11, 2017, 02:30 PM
    1 Attachment(s)
    It'd sure be nice if the new Dem Tea Party read the part of the handbook about cleaning up after yourselfAttachment 48688
  • Feb 11, 2017, 03:16 PM

    Originally Posted by Catsmine View Post
    It'd sure be nice if the new Dem Tea Party read the part of the handbook about cleaning up after yourself

    In Chicago, according to my friend who was at the March, people were told to leave their signs in certain areas (and not strewn around all over the city) for easy cleanup. Note how the signs are layered atop each other within a certain area. Heck, we're women and have been cleaning up for millennia!

    ADDED: after the March in D.C. -- "A lot of people, even though the trash cans were full, have stacked the trash neatly as close to the trash cans as they could get them, so that is making our job easier,” National Park Service spokeswoman Emily Linroth said.
  • Feb 12, 2017, 04:42 AM

    Originally Posted by Catsmine View Post
    cleaning up after yourself[/ATTACH]

    Hello Cats:

    Yeah, they're dirty, and worse, they're PAID by Soros. OMG!

  • Feb 12, 2017, 07:19 AM
    not only Soros ;but also OFA .

    Obama-Aligned Organizing for Action Relaunches for Trump Era - NBC News

    Instead of gracefully exiting the stage ,the emperor plans on running a shadow government a few miles from the White House .
  • Feb 12, 2017, 07:36 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    not only Soros

    Hello again, tom:

    Yeah... He paid me $2,000 a pop for a day's demonstration. On the Muslim Ban demonstration alone, for 3 days, I made $6,000, and there were about 5 million of us just in the US. Lemme see... $6,000 times 5 million is around $30 TRILLION.. Yeah, that's about right..

  • Feb 12, 2017, 08:39 AM
    nah the payments go out to the black masked anarchists . But it also take some $$$ for those instantly available protest signs that await the demonstrators .It takes $$$ to organize and pay for the bus rides etc .

    Come on man,admit it ! You were happy to call the Tea Party protests organized when you thought the Koch Brothers were the hidden hand behind the stage.

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