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  • Apr 15, 2007, 08:57 PM
    Are just two AC returns adequate for this floor plan?

    I am building a new home, and would like some advice on getting the AC system right.

    The builder's plan has just two AC returns in this 3600 sq. ft. single story house. In the floor plan link below, there is one return outside the guest bedroom, and another one in the hall outside the master bedroom.

    Is this adequate? Won't the air flow get blocked if the bedroom doors are closed? Should I ask for returns in each room?

    Also, the supply vent in each room is closer to its entrance. Instead, should it be closer to the outside wall, so that air would travel through the entire room before reaching the return vent?

    Thanks a ton for your feedback!

    - 123champ
  • Apr 16, 2007, 06:41 AM
    Call a qualified heating contractor. Your 3600 sq ft will need better RA's and other mods.
  • Apr 16, 2007, 12:43 PM
    I hope they don't put one big unit in for your entire house. A house this large should have at least two units, maybe one for the bedroom areas and one for the rest of your house. This way you can set the temperatures higher or lower when no one is in these areas. You can't have to many return airs but you don't need one in every room. Two units will also allow you to have some cooling if one of them breaks down.

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