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  • Dec 18, 2016, 11:50 AM
    Dog sucking on things
    My 1.5 yr old Female Min Pins are sucking and chewing the ends of pillows, sheets and blankets. I do not know how to make them stop and they are destroying expensive items.
  • Dec 18, 2016, 01:10 PM
    This a puppy thing going on. She is not actually an adult until 2. Did she have toys that received the same treatment, or no toys at all. If she is ingesting some of this fabric, it could be dangerous to her intestines. And there is the possibility she is lacking something in her diet. What type of dog food do you feed her. There are multiple reasons she is doing this. Dogs suffer from anxiety and depression and act out to compensate the same we do. Does she spend a lot of time on her own in the house? Is she adequately exercised?

    Tell us a little bit about this, please.
  • Dec 18, 2016, 01:32 PM
    A friend of ours who got his dog at 5 weeks of age (way too young), had this issue. His vet said that it was because he was taken away from his mother too soon.

    I'm not sure if I agree with that vet. I think this is just a habit that many dogs have. Our terrier does this, and will literally suck on my pillow until there's a hole.

    It can be a hard habit to break, but with patience you can do it. First you have to be vigilant. Whenever you see one of the dogs doing this, remove the item, say no (be firm, but don't yell), and replace it with one of their toys saying "this is yours".

    It will take time, and a lot of catching them in the act. Another way to discourage this is to put items you don't want destroyed, in a place where they can't get them. Or close the rooms where these items are so they can't gain access until they learn not to do this.

    As a very last resort, there are sprays you can buy that dogs don't like the smell or taste of, which will make those items unsavory. But those sprays aren't cheap, don't always work, and unless you plan to use them forever, it's just a temporary fix. Training is really the best thing, but it can take time, so be patient.

    I love min pins. Never had one myself, but they're such cute little dogs. I hope you get this worked out. Remember that nothing is easy when it comes to training, you will have to put in the work to get the results you want, but it's worth it in the end.

    Good luck. :)

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