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  • Dec 6, 2016, 03:25 PM
    Vote fraud the liberals claim never happens or has happened.
    Vote fraud the liberals claim never happens or has happened.

    Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has brought the issue of voter fraud to the forefront by suggesting polls are rigged. Democrats have tried to push back against his claim, but voter fraud is real, and here are 23 times it has happened in the past few years, courtesy of WND.

    #1: Last month, about 20 voter applications were submitted for dead people in Harrisonburg, Virginia.

    #2: The same thing happened in Colorado, where it was revealed that dead people were voting in multiple elections.

    #3: In 2012, Jason Bauer and Mike McGuinness, two Democrat officials in Michigan, were convicted for involvement in an election fraud scheme.

    #4: Three counties in California’s 2016 presidential primary reported 194 people who voted twice.

    #5: A Democrat primary in St. Louis, Missouri, this year showed absentee ballots were improperly recorded.

    #6: In 2013, Deisy Penton de Cabrera was convicted of possessing more than two ballots that belonged to other voters in Florida.

    #7: In Magoffin County, Kentucky, Magoffin County Magistrate Gary Risner, Deputy County Clerk Larry Shepard, and Tami Jo Risner were discovered buying votes in 2016.

    #8: Pasco Parker, a Tennessee resident, pleaded guilty to felony voter fraud in North Carolina in 2015 after he sent in absentee ballots to Florida and North Carolina after voting in person in Tennessee.

    #9: In 2013, Democrat state Rep. Hudson Hallum and his father, Ken Hallum, were caught bribing absentee voters as well as tampering with ballots in Arkansas.

    #10: Mohammad Shafiq was convicted for fraudulently tampering with voter registrations during a 2012 election in Georgia.

    #11: Former Indiana Secretary of State Charlie White was convicted for lying about his address to keep collecting a paycheck from the Fishers Town Council in 2012.

    #12: In early 2015, Pennsylvania Secretary of the Commonwealth Carol Aichele said there was a possibility that 731 people may have voted twice in Pennsylvania.

    #13: Carol Hannah voted in both Arizona and Colorado in 2010.

    #14: In Iowa, Mayra Alejandra Lopez Morales, who was not a citizen of the U.S. was convicted of voter fraud in 2014 after she registered and voted in the 2012 election.

    #15: In 2010, former Connecticut state Rep. Christina Ayala was convicted for voting several times in districts where she did not live.

    #16: Michael L. Hannum was convicted for voting in Nebraska and Kansas in 2012.

    #17: Stanley Leger pleaded guilty to buying votes in a mayoral race in Louisiana.

    #18: Wendy Rosen, a 2012 Democrat congressional candidate in Maryland, pleaded guilty to voting in 2006 and 2008 in both Maryland and Florida.

    #19: Mexican Rogelio Mejorada-Lopez was a registered voter in Alaska and was convicted of voting in several elections.

    #20: Robert Munroe was convicted in 2016 of voting several times each in Wisconsin elections throughout 2011 and 2012, and voted in two different states in the 2012 presidential election.

    #21: Three women in Alabama were found guilty of tampering with numerous absentee ballots in a city commissioner race in 2015.

    #22: In 2013, Enrico Villamaino, a Republican candidate for state representative, was convicted on various charges of voter fraud in Massachusetts.

    #23: In Ohio, Melowese Richardson was convicted on four counts of illegal voting in 2013.

    Don’t believe the left when they tell you voter fraud isn’t happening. Obviously it is.

    ALERT: Think Voter Fraud’s Not Real … These 23 States Say Otherwise | Right Alerts

    These are CONVICTIONS in 23 different states... not the many more that never went this far. Just the tip of the iceberg. The left knows this happens frequently and they participate in it... otherwise they would want Voter ID laws in effect everywhere, because even ONE case is one too many.
  • Dec 6, 2016, 04:22 PM
    smoothy, it may be true that some individuals think it smart to perpetrate these acts, and of course, there are those that are undetected, but it would take a mamouth effort to make any difference to the outcome at other than a local level. The answer is simple; provide photo voter ID free of charge, make photo Drivers licence an acceptable form of ID but surely there are greater problems in the malfunctioning electronic voting machines and security of data may be a real issue. If you had compulsory voting then there would be less opportunity for fraud

    Allegedly there were large numbers of illegal aliens voting, don't quite understand how this is possible as simple identity checks would have prevented it DAH
  • Dec 6, 2016, 04:35 PM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    smoothy, it may be true that some individuals think it smart to perpetrate these acts, and of course, there are those that are undetected, but it would take a mamouth effort to make any difference to the outcome at other than a local level. The answer is simple; provide photo voter ID free of charge, make photo Drivers licence an acceptable form of ID but surely there are greater problems in the malfunctioning electronic voting machines and security of data may be a real issue. If you had compulsory voting then there would be less opportunity for fraud

    Allegedly there were large numbers of illegal aliens voting, don't quite understand how this is possible as simple identity checks would have prevented it DAH

    Completely agree...

    Want to know how this can happen... certain states will give illegals drivers licenses... know what is on every drivers license application in every state. A box you check off to register to vote... a result of the motor voter act from a long time ago. All you have to do by checking it is saying you are eligible to vote. No proof required. What ID is needed in most states that do have it... a drivers license.

    Like giving your teenager the key to the liqueur cabinet... and telling them not to open it or use it or have a party while you go out of town for a few weeks. It is that easy for an illegal to vote.....of for someone to get one under dead peoples names in those same states. But its not the only way it happens. There is no national database to find out how many states people are registered to vote in. Its like every part of Australia having their own votor registry but none talking to any other. People do move around a lot, from state to state...they might register in each state they live, and if no id law exists...they continue to vote in the old state the no longer live in as well as the new one they do.

    There is even a joke about it around where I live I heard this from a Mexican who came here legally and has a green card. How do you know if a Mexican is legal or not? If they have a Maryland or DC license, Virginia actually requires a LOT of proof before you can even get a replacement if you lose your wallet. All the illegals get one in Maryland as it easiest even if they don't live in MD. There are other liberal states elsewhere that is exactly the same.

    What do you NEED an ID for in the USA

    1. To buy Alcohol

    2. To buy Cigarettes

    3. Opening a bank account

    4. Apply for food stamps

    5. Apply for welfare

    6. Apply for Medicaid/Social Security

    7. Apply for unemployment or a job

    8. Rent/buy a house, apply for a mortgage

    9. Drive/buy/rent a car

    10. Get on an airplane

    11. Get married

    12. Purchase a gun

    13. Adopt a pet

    14. Rent a hotel room

    15. Apply for a hunting license

    16. Apply for a fishing license

    17. Buy a cell phone

    18. Visit a casino

    19. Pick up a prescription

    20. Hold a rally or protest

    21. Blood donations

    22. Buy an "M" rated video game

    23. Purchase nail polish at CVS

    24. Purchase certain cold medicines

    25. Enter a Federal building or Courthouse

    and there are others.

    But not to vote?

    Now do you remember all those claims about voter suppression for the old and the poor? Without an ID they could never have gotten their benefits.
  • Dec 6, 2016, 05:09 PM
    Fact is smoothy here voting is controlled by the federal government and the electoral rolls maintained. If you move your residence you update your status and therefore can only vote in one electorate. You could expect we anticipated voter fraud and moved to prevent it early. I see the confusion that can exist if laws between states and the federal government are not uniform in important aspects but then you have much more emphasis on states "rights" than we do. That is because your founding states preexisted before foundation and were jealous of their "rights" whereas ours were created at foundation being self governing colonies previously thus there was already a tradition of some uniformity. Yes it is fun here to loose a drivers licence, requires a birth certificate or passport to get a new one unless you have a copy of your previous one but we have an identifier that you don't have, it is called a medicare card and everyone has one, it is the only way to access the health system, it is possible to cross reference electoral data and health system data
  • Dec 6, 2016, 05:12 PM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    Fact is smoothy here voting is controlled by the federal government and the electoral roles maintained. If you move your residence you update your status and therefore can only vote in one electorate. You could expect we anticipated voter fraud and moved to prevent it early. I see the confusion that can exist if laws between states and the federal government are not uniform in important aspects but then you have much more emphasis on states "rights" than we do. That is because your founding states preexisted before foundation and were jealous of their "rights" whereas ours were created at foundation being self governing colonies previously thus there was already a tradition of some uniformity. Yes it is fun here to loose a drivers licence, requires a birth certificate or passport to get a new one unless you have a copy of your previous one but we have an identifier that you don't have, it is called a medicare card and everyone has one, it is the only way to access the health system, it is possible to cross reference electoral data and health system data

    That's how it is in probably every other country in the world too. Except here.

    The only votes being suppressed are the ones who don't have the right to vote in the first place. Not the dead (they have no right), not the illegals (they have no right) not the poor...not the old...the old and poor all had id's to get their benefits and/or freebies.
  • Dec 6, 2016, 05:59 PM
    Hello smoothy:

    Right wingers DON'T want people to vote..

  • Dec 6, 2016, 06:27 PM
    No one is denying voting fraud exists. With 100 million people voting in thousands of polling places, its not surprising there will be some attempts. What there is no evidence of is widespread frauds rising to the level that it could affect a national or event statewide election.

    The list posted is all small isolated incidents. Nothing widespread, no conspiracies and the actions are on both sides.

    Definitely nothing that rises to the levels that Trump has lied about in another attempt to distract from his missteps.
  • Dec 6, 2016, 08:27 PM
    Like cockroaches and termites... by the time you see a few.. you already have a significant infestation. Wikileaks proved the DNC participating in fraud and discussing it... Remember ACORN? Its far from isolated incidents.

    And excon... we don't have any problem with citizens who have the right to vote, voting. Its all the rest that don't we have an issue with. Like Paraclete desribed in Australia, and basically everywhere else in the world. Only here does the left want ANYONE who shows up voting..illegal or not.

    The so called Poor and the so called old... without ID's they couldn't collect benefits or handouts Welfare, unemployment and foodstamps ALL require ID. That they are so good at finding and collecting that they have ID's for. In fact you can't even get Obamacare without an ID.

    And the supposed lies Trump told? How about the complete and utter LACK of truth or ANY objectivity from the drive by media... who were ALL part of Hillary's campaign. They told so many lies about him bashing him, and her defending her, if there was any fact in them is was purely by accident.

    That is a big factor in why Trump won. The American public is sick of the propaganda pushed as "news".

    The Conservatives WANT accountability and fair elections....and far too many States require NO proof of who you are to register OR vote. And that means fraud IS happening...and it makes results suspect. And this only occurs in Liberal states
  • Dec 6, 2016, 08:41 PM
    smoothy I think you have a bad case of those termites, exactly what they are eating isn't clear
  • Dec 6, 2016, 08:53 PM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    smoothy I think you have a bad case of those termites, exactly what they are eating isn't clear

    He says fraud is happening, making results suspect. A huge number of people including Republicans are thinking that about our recent election.
  • Dec 6, 2016, 08:58 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    He says fraud is happening, making results suspect. A huge number of people including Republicans are thinking that about our recent election.

    Remember ACORN... its been going on more than this election... last election there were many precincts that had more votes than eligible adult voters. There were other larger precincts that had ZERO votes for the Republican candidate... also impossible. THere were Ballots already filled out for the Democrat... Voting machines that flipped to the Democrat... never the Republican.

    Where there is smoke there is fire... when you have people voting with NO proof they are eligible.. you WILL have vote fraud happening.

    If you catch one... statistically you may have one hundred you didn't. The one person you catch is NEVER the one person who was doing it.

    And Wikileaks made public DNC emails discussing how they could do it and more of it. Wikileaks proved the DNC was working with the so called "Debate Moderators" stacking the deck against Hillary cheating by giving the DNC alone the questions being asked and having the DNC write some of the questions.....

    The election was anything BUT fair...and despite that....enough people are aware of it that they rightfully see the drive by media for what they are. Propagandists. Nothing more.
  • Dec 6, 2016, 09:21 PM

    Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    The election was anything BUT fair...and despite that....enough people are aware of it that they rightfully see the drive by media for what they are. Propagandists. Nothing more.

    So there was lots of voter fraud that got Trump elected? That seems to be what you're saying.
  • Dec 6, 2016, 10:43 PM
    No he's saying Dilliary's margin is false, because the whole system is flawed. Maybe Dump will do something about it, probably not his biggest priority, he has two years to fix it
  • Dec 7, 2016, 03:41 AM

    make photo Drivers licence an acceptable form of ID but surely there are greater problems in the malfunctioning electronic voting machines and security of data may be a real issue. If you had compulsory voting then there would be less opportunity for fraud

    Allegedly there were large numbers of illegal aliens voting, don't quite understand how this is possible as simple identity checks would have prevented it DAH

    I oppose compulsory voting . This isn't a dictatorship . Agree there should be photo id . A license is not a good option when states like Kalifornia knowingly ;and as a matter of policy and state law ,issue a driver licenses to illegals.
  • Dec 8, 2016, 03:38 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    I oppose compulsory voting . This isn't a dictatorship . Agree there should be photo id . A license is not a good option when states like Kalifornia knowingly ;and as a matter of policy and state law ,issue a driver licenses to illegals.

    You know Tom your response "this isn't a dictatorship"underlies why you have problems.There must be freedom but there must be order everyone doing whatever they want is anarchy not freedom
  • Dec 8, 2016, 08:14 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    So there was lots of voter fraud that got Trump elected? That seems to be what you're saying.

    You know full well what I said... its ALWAYS been Liberals that have organized whoscale vote fraud. Its liberals giving illegals the right to vote in certain states... devaluing the vote of citizens and immigrants who followed the law and came here legally.

    ACORN was Liberal. THe DNC participated in vote fraud in league with Hillary this year and stole the primary from Saunders who actually won it... Wikileaks released MANY emails where DNC leadership were discussing vote fraud they have done and intend to do... Wikileaks proved the DNC was in league with the Lamestream media rigging the Presidential debates... which we have said for years... but now have proved... Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer have publicly said Illegals have the right to vote... and "Santuyary Cities" that are violating Federal law protecting illegal criminals are always Liberal.


    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    I oppose compulsory voting . This isn't a dictatorship . Agree there should be photo id . A license is not a good option when states like Kalifornia knowingly ;and as a matter of policy and state law ,issue a driver licenses to illegals.

    I don't believe in compulsory voting either... but do believe in a federally issued ID that can insure one person legally entitled to vote can vote only once in ONE state. And not dead people or illegals.
  • Dec 8, 2016, 08:16 PM

    Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer have publicly said Illegals have the right to vote...

    Please document this.
  • Dec 9, 2016, 04:11 AM
    Clete ;part of liberty is to not participate in the franchise if you choose not to. I'm glad you Aussies can live with yourselves having laws that force people to vote . What other 'rights' can you force people to participate in ?
  • Dec 9, 2016, 04:23 AM
    WG ;

    NYC this year will have legislation in the city council that would grant voting rights to “lawful residents” aka noncitizens with green cards. Non-citizens voting ? Really ?

    Kalifornia is giving drivers licenses to illegals . If those are to be accepted as id for registration purposes then Kalifornia is well on their way to granting illegals the right to vote.
  • Dec 9, 2016, 05:18 AM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    Please document this.

    Google it... they have both said this publicly on video. Its not hard to find. There will be a number of videos of them and others on YouTube saying so.

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