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  • Oct 31, 2016, 02:29 PM
    Walmart radio
    I am an associate... Why does the Walmart radio play over 70% country songs all the time?? Country songs DOMINATE your selections!! Please tell me why your selection process cannot have more of a variety of music types. I have had customers ask me the same questions... "Seems like every time I visit your store... I hear mostly country songs ??" What shall I tell them... and myself... as to the reasoning for it?
  • Oct 31, 2016, 03:47 PM
    You realize that this site has no association with Walmart whatsoever. I would assume this is a local thing. My local Walmart doesn't appear to play country mostly.

    The person to ask is the store manager.
  • Oct 31, 2016, 04:54 PM
    Make up some clever answers. Garth Brooks works here. The manager is in love with Dolly Parton.

    When you work your way up to the top, you can make all the decisions. Mostly. There's always someone higher!
  • Oct 31, 2016, 05:19 PM
    Our local Walmart plays mostly pop songs, rarely any country music. I think it's all up to the manage and what he/she prefers. I know that when I was working at Dollarama our manager chose the station to play. We all hated it, but she ran the store so she got to choose. That's just the way it is.

    Most times I was too busy to even hear the music that was playing. Maybe you need more to do so you don't have as much time to focus on the music.
  • Oct 31, 2016, 05:29 PM
    Look at the majority of the makeup of the customer base, I would say that at least in the areas where I have lived in the past, country or older rock (that can be confused with modern country) would be the preferred mix for a higher percentage of the customer base.

    Also there is issues with profanity and other songs in the modern music, that could open them up to a liability issue.
  • Oct 31, 2016, 06:16 PM
    Maybe because over 70% of their customer base doesn't appreciate being forced to hear hip-hop or rap . The music is there for the customers, not the employees.
  • Nov 1, 2016, 07:33 AM
    There are music services provide by companies like Mood Media (formerly known as Muzak Holdings) that provide streaming audio - often called "elevator music" or "Muzak." I would guess that Walmart uses a service like this, not only to ensure that the music is appropriate (to alleviate smoothy's concern) but also to make sure royalties are tracked and properly paid. These services provide many options of type of music, so as others have noted my bet is that your store manager has selected this particular Muzak feed- talk to him/her about it.

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