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  • Oct 2, 2016, 02:16 PM
    Do you think he gave the wrong impression?
    In the middle of working out a female gets a text message from her lover. It said please call. Than next one said I'm in Barnett hospital. So of course she called right away. He answered so she asked what was wrong? He explains he is there because of his baby cousin who will have a transplant at one month old. She said sorry to hear that hope everything OK.

    She thought it was him because he said he's in the hospital not at hospital visiting. Than he bought up them two he let her know he probably be there for few days because its out of town. He had nerve ask if she gave it away as far as sleeping with someone else. She said huh? Well he said he will call her back later on. He didn't.

    Later in same day she had emergency with baby in her family. She text him next morning tell him he didn't reply...hmmm.

    Please what you think?
  • Oct 2, 2016, 04:08 PM
    I think both play immature text mind games with each other.
  • Oct 2, 2016, 04:21 PM
    Why would it be immature if they ate true


    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    I think both play immature text mind games with each other.

  • Oct 2, 2016, 05:21 PM
    Because they are playing games, not saying what they think, He sounds controlling, wanting her to answer at once, if he messages. She is wasting her time, worry about him.
  • Oct 2, 2016, 05:22 PM
    Doesn't matter if a text is true or not. Who gets hyped up over a freakin' text message? :O! The mature thing to do is be cool until you can talk in person or by phone in REAL time. RIGHT?? :D
  • Oct 2, 2016, 05:23 PM
    I see two immature people that need to do more maturing (emotionally not just physically) before they get into relationships with anyone else.
  • Oct 2, 2016, 06:40 PM
    I don't get the immaturity in this story.
    He said he was at hospital. Not sure why hyped was even mentioned

    Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    I see two immature people that need to do more maturing (emotionally not just physically) before they get into relationships with anyone else.

  • Oct 2, 2016, 06:55 PM
    #1. Having to speak as if both parties are other people. Something teenagers do. If its you, say so, if its not, then what business is it of yours, its between them and not you.

    #2. The fact it wasn't simply said see you later, best wishes for the cousins taking a turn for the better... but all this extra unneeded drama.

    #3. The fact anyone so much as suspected something else was going on other than what was mentioned... lack of trust and communication on both ends.

    As you get older this is going to be a very real situation more and more often, close family or friend gets rushed to hospital with life threatening conditions...sometimes they won't survive....nobody should have to explain themselves or be subjected to suspicions anything is exactly but what was said at that moment.
  • Oct 2, 2016, 07:02 PM
    Ok but they're in their forties. its my business cause she's asking me. He volunteered that info sp don't know what you mean. I actually tnought he was just horny but I ask get other opinions


    Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    #1. Having to speak as if both parties are other people. Something teenagers do. If its you, say so, if its not, then what business is it of yours, its between them and not you.

    #2. The fact it wasn't simply said see you later, best wishes for the cousins taking a turn for the better... but all this extra unneeded drama.

    #3. The fact anyone so much as suspected something else was going on other than what was mentioned... lack of trust and communication on both ends.

    As you get older this is going to be a very real situation more and more often, close family or friend gets rushed to hospital with life threatening conditions... sometimes they won't survive... nobody should have to explain themselves or be subjected to suspicions anything is exactly but what was said at that moment.

  • Oct 2, 2016, 07:39 PM

    Originally Posted by lisa1471 View Post
    Ok but they're in their forties. its my business cause she's asking me. He volunteered that info sp don't know what you mean. I actually tnought he was just horny but I ask get other opinions

    Then they both are acting like kids and not adults in their 40's. People in their 30's, 40's, or 50's do not act that way... because I've been part of all of those groups... and I know older people don't either. (the less mature people in their early 20's might however.)

    Those unfortunate few that do find themselves forever going from relationship to relationship or divorced time and time again.
  • Oct 2, 2016, 07:48 PM
    If he is at a hospital, he may not be able to respond. Regulations on cell phone usage and dead batteries are just two things that can cause a person to not be available.

    Since auto-correct can garble a text, I suggest, when they are able to actually talk with each other, she talks to him about any texts that bother her.

    I suggest having her sign-up if she has questions or needs advice from more people. Does she even know you are on a site asking about her story?

    It is unfair to us for you to ask hypothetical questions (it becomes hypothetical when we can not ask the person needing the advice for more/clearer details) and expect advice or opinions on vague details and your thoughts.

    I understand that you are curious and want a better understanding of what is going on, however, it seems questions like these end up with you getting more confused instead of enlightened. Our thoughts, opinions and advice are based on what we are told and our own experiences. If we don't have the information or are unable to get more details, then all we are doing is playing "what if". That really doesn't help anyone, does it?
  • Oct 2, 2016, 07:57 PM
    I am asking exact question she asked me that I cant answer and yes she knows she want see of anyone ans matches mine.As far as auto corre t what that ha e to do with it.If it was auto correct she would see it on her end.Her out going msg is normal so he got exactly what she sent.Hes ovet two hours away visiting so she wanted know reason he shsred


    Not be able to respond. Regulations on cell phone usage and dead batteries are just two things that can cause a person to not be available.

    Since auto-correct can garble a text, I suggest, when they are able to actually talk with each other, she talks to him about any texts that bother her.

    I suggest having her sign-up if she has questions or needs advice from more people. Does she even know you are on a site asking about her story?

    It is unfair to us for you to ask hypothetical questions (it becomes hypothetical when we can not ask the person needing the advice for more/clearer details) and expect advice or opinions on vague details and your thoughts.

    I understand that you are curious and want a better understanding of what is going on, however, it seems questions like these end up with you getting more confused instead of enlightened. Our thoughts, opinions and advice are based on what we are told and our own experiences. If we don't have the information or are unable to get more details, then all we are doing is playing "what if". That really doesn't help anyone, does it?
  • Oct 2, 2016, 08:29 PM

    Originally Posted by lisa1471 View Post
    I am asking exact question she asked me that I cant answer and yes she knows she want see of anyone ans matches mine.As far as auto corre t what that ha e to do with it.If it was auto correct she would see it on her end.Her out going msg is normal so he got exactly what she sent.Hes ovet two hours away visiting so she wanted know reason he shsred

  • Oct 3, 2016, 09:12 AM
    What I see are a LOT of responders who fall for these questions. I repeat, Lisa said last year that she likes to ask them because she is bored at work.
  • Oct 10, 2016, 01:16 PM
    Lisa, you ask a lot of questions about other people in your life, and they're questions that a nosey inexperienced immature teenager would ask. You always say that these people ask you for advice, and I find that very amusing. Why would they ask you? You don't have a clue!

    If you're bored at work I would suggest finding a job that keeps you busy. Your inane questions are getting very annoying, especially because you never listen to the advice given, you just want to argue about your point of view. So if you already have your mind made up and won't listen to others opinions, why bother asking the questions?

    It's time to stop using us for entertainment.

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