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  • Apr 14, 2007, 08:13 AM
    Chest tightness since pneumonia
    I am writing for my 30 year old daughter who is really getting depressed that her doctors can't seem to find out her problem. She had pneumonia 5 months ago, was treated with 2 antibiotics and got 75 % better. She still has tightness in her chest and trouble taking in a breath. Sometimes she feels like she is suffocating. She can't play with her kids, clean her house or excersize. Her chest X-ray was fine, just scaring left from the pneumonia. Allergy tests were negative. Sinus cat scan was fine. Upper GI showed slight acid reflux. Abdominal ultrasound was normal (no gall bladder problem). She also has pressure, right below rib cage, in middle of chest, as though someone is pushing in and up with a fist. (I thought that sounded like a hiatal hernia). After her baby was born 7 months ago her doctor thought she had diastasis. Could these all be related. She is going crazy. Please help.
  • Apr 14, 2007, 08:35 AM
    It is very common that these all are related. Has she seen a pulmonologist? I would suggest one if she hasn't. Is she using inhalers? If not, this might be an option.

    You say the doctor thought she had diastasis, has any more testing been done, or did he leave it at that?

    I would suggest that she get an appointment with a pulmonologist.
  • Apr 14, 2007, 12:31 PM

    Originally Posted by J_9
    It is very common that these all are related. Has she seen a pulmonologist? I would suggest one if she hasn't. Is she using inhalers? If not, this might be an option.

    You say the doctor thought she had diastasis, has any more testing been done, or did he leave it at that?

    I would suggest that she get an appointment with a pulmonologist.

    Her OBGYN mentioned diastasis but never told her anything more about it. She wonders if strengthing her abdomen would help! Her pulmonologist gave her an albuterol inhaler, the allergy/sinus doctor gave her Nazonex and Astelin nasal sprays and he is the one who told her about the scars from pneumonia on the chest X-ray. All these meds help a little temporarily. But her breathing tightness always comes back. Do the scars from pneumonia always stay in your lungs and could that be causing the tightness. Will exercise help that at all? Thanks.
  • Jun 25, 2012, 08:43 AM
    Dear sir/mam

    I'm asking this question for my 2 month old son.. from last 15 days he is facing some abnormal sound some times mostly in morning while breating... Some doctor says it may be cough some says it is alrgec problem.. some says it is due to the tightenss of the chest...

    Please share your expereince for same
  • Oct 4, 2012, 01:13 PM
    She needs to have her Immunoglobulin levels checked. Many of her symptoms are similar to mine and I was recently diagnosed with Common Variable Immune Deficiency. I have pain in my rib cage because my spleen is swollen. I often get pneumonia. It also causes severe fatigue. I wish someone would have told me 5 years ago, when I first got sick, to have my Immunoglobulins checked. It would have saved me and my family a lot of pain and suffering.
  • Nov 16, 2012, 12:27 PM
    PLEASE GUYS HELP WITH THIS ISSUE... I know the last reply from an expert has been in 2007, but I'm having the same issue with tight chest/rib cage after pneumonia. It's been almost a month after the pneumonia and I'm having symptoms similar to intercoastal retractions. I've done these stretches and it seems to affect the breathing positively and get some old mucus up... The mucus does have a little blood present otherwise its clear and yellowish. Please if anyone knows what's wrong or can forward me to someone that can help please do. My primary doctor thinks its anxiety and asthma but its definitely something else that was caused by the bacterial pneumonia. The pneumonia was treated with azythromiacin 5 days of that and nothing else. What do I do?
  • Nov 16, 2012, 02:00 PM
    Find another doctor.

    That isn't meant to be a flippant response but there is no way for us to diagnose or suggest a possible course of action online. It is dangerous.

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