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  • May 1, 2016, 12:17 PM
    If my husband doesn't eat meat for a couple weeks, he will shake, chills, etc. Why?
    My husband has sacrificed most of his food, and we only had a couple packs of hotdogs cut up into dishes as meat for the past 2 weeks. When we were able to get meat today he ate a hamburger (just bread and mustard nothing extra). After a few bites he started shaking/trembling (resembled parkinsons) in his hands and arms. He had chills, the muscles in the back of his neck, shoulder's, and back tightened. He was sweating, but we can't be sure it wasn't from cooking. This has only happened once before in a similar circumstance. I don't know if it was from lack of eating enough in general, but each time it seems to occur when he is able to eat meat again. The way he was shaking concerned me, because it reminded me of seeing someone with Parkinson's and it continued for a few minutes. Is these symptoms something we should be concerned about?
  • May 1, 2016, 12:34 PM
    Time to consult your own medical practitioner for a full physical examination.
  • May 1, 2016, 03:07 PM
    Now PLEASE, what does 'sacrificed most of his food' MEAN????
  • May 1, 2016, 05:48 PM
    We have two kids. He would do with little, so they could have plenty.
  • May 1, 2016, 06:21 PM

    Originally Posted by ladybelle4 View Post
    We have two kids. He would do with little, so they could have plenty.

    So you're saying that he doesn't eat so the kids can? He starves himself, works, provides for the family, but rarely eats? How many meals does he eat every day, and what does he eat in those meals?

    From what you've posted I'd say he's malnourished. It's great that he he gives what he can to the kids, but he needs to eat too, because he has to have fuel to work. It's like a car. It will run great if you take care of it and give it gas to run. But once it runs out of gas it will stop working. First it will shake, and make noises, and then it will stop working.

    How old are the kids? Do you work so that you can afford food so that everyone, especially the man making the most money, can eat, so he can continue to work and function?

    Really, it sounds like he's not getting enough nutrition. Something has to change so he can continue to function and provide for his family. Maybe that change means you working too.
  • May 1, 2016, 07:05 PM
    He has a torn/ruptured acl and isn't able to return to work yet, so I've been working. It did put us in a spot for a moment financially, and he is a wonderful man/husband and takes care of the house and kids while I work. He is in his early thirties and has worked hard manual work since he was a young teen. I've worried that it may be stress, as I realize that health and finances can be very stressful for anyone, and a dominate stress for men. I know he don't like to go to the doctor, and so if this is something that I need to convince him to see the doctor about I need to do so. I just didn't want to be a "worry wart" or just naïve and go making a doctor appointment causing him more stress, unnecessarily.
  • May 1, 2016, 08:41 PM
    Meat is not needed, for anyone, but food is. Sounds like he is killing his-self from eating improperly.

    There are places to get food, non profit food closest, your local churches, and more.
  • May 1, 2016, 10:25 PM
    It has been a challenge the past 2 weeks, but a blessing happened and so food should no longer be so tight. Since I was working I didn't get to see how much he was eating (or Not eating). I am a type 1 diabetic on an insulin pump and from the education I've received with meal planning I felt like I was right that meat wasn't a necessity as eggs, beans, and peanut butter all contain protein. However when I looked about meat and vitamins it mentioned iron and b12 and I didn't know if it was possible that maybe he was having like a vitamin deficiency problem. I knew his symptoms didn't resemble a low blood sugar, and so I just wasn't sure what to think. Didn't know if stress could cause those reactions, and with it being as soon as he took 2-3 bites, it seemed food related. After the answers I've seen, and knowing his character to put his family before himself, I feel like he did become malnourished. Hopefully by tomorrow, now that he's getting his nutrients back in him, he'll feel better. I appreciate everyone that responded! Thank you!
  • May 2, 2016, 03:29 PM
    Eggs are a complete protein. Beans, peanuts, and any other vegetables containing protein must be combined with other protein vegetables that contain the missing amino acids that make up protein.
    It's not something you can guess at, so give him eggs.
    But in the most general sense, any beans half and half with rice are a pretty good protein.
    Hot dogs are about as awful as you can eat, especially when malnourished. Any processed foods. It's more work to cook from scratch, but you need to.

    He might be missing other nutrients too. Fresh vegetables for vitamins.

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