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  • Jan 22, 2016, 05:46 PM
    Should I leave my hell home?
    My parents always talk to me and blame me for that my other siblings do my dad constaly talk to me everyday calling lazy and he has threat me that when I'm 18 he's going to throw me on the streets and that he was going to call the cops on me but I haven't done anything at all and my mom is with him and I'm just getting tired of it happening every day he always yells the same everyday complains about the same thins or about every little thing. Should I just run away?
  • Jan 22, 2016, 07:02 PM
    In nearly all cases I have said running away is not the best solution or idea to a problem as this can create another problem as the police can be called in to search for you.

    I would say , see if you can stay with a friends family , though unless it's a really good friend or I mean a really good friends parents who are going to allow you to stay and pay for you to stay ( Food , Power , Schooling etc ) until you can get a job and pay your own way then even that is hard.

    I mean you could try and get a job to somewhat support yourself and go flatting with a friend or a few friends though , I'am guessing your in the USA where you need a school permit to get a job so that's out of the question.

    Note = I'am not from USA and we can leave school at 15 and go on the benefit. If we want to try and get a job educated or not.
  • Jan 22, 2016, 07:28 PM
    How old are you?

    Are you in school high school? If so, what is your attendance record? Do you go every day? What are your grades? Be honest. Do you have a part time job? What do you do every day?

    There must be a reason that your dad is this upset. We only get to hear your side. What is his side? I have two teenagers, so I'm not as easily fooled as others. I know what it's like to raise a teen. It's not easy.

    So tell us what's going on, even if it doesn't make you look so great. Be honest with us so we can help you figure this out, because frankly, I'm not buying it. As a parent of two teens, I'm thinking your dad wants the best for you, and you're too young to realize what the best is. So you're fighting it, because you're too young to know better. That's my guess. But you don't give enough info for me to make an opinion based on facts.
  • Jan 22, 2016, 08:14 PM
    @ Alty

    From his other post that I just saw , he is saying he is 17 years old.
  • Jan 23, 2016, 06:55 AM
    I agree with Alty. There are always two sides to every story.

    We have heard your side, so what can you see, about yourself, that might be motivating them to be so angry with you.
  • Jan 23, 2016, 09:30 AM
    Homegirl 50
    Running away is never the answer especially when you are unable to take care of yourself. You are still young. Maybe you should honestly look at what you may be doing to cause this anger.
  • Jan 23, 2016, 12:01 PM
    Running away is not a very good plan, but planning to leave when you are 18 is. So instead of being angry at your parent now, see why THEY are angry at you. I mean you feel like running away, but to where is the reality you face, and how you feed and shelter yourself with no JOB.

    Get a JOB, before you even consider RUNNING anywhere. When I was your age, I was busy working and preparing to leave home and had little time to anger my parents, or be there where they could if they wanted too.

    So be honest here, could you be doing MORE to stand on your own? Could they be comparing you to a sibling as a warning that YOU could be headed in that same direction? What have your siblings done to anger your parents?
  • Jan 24, 2016, 06:55 AM
    If what you are saying is true, and your father and home life are unreasonable to you, running is never the answer. You are almost 18. Once you are 18, you can move out, and get on your own. Don't throw all that away over a moment of anger.

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