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  • Jan 8, 2016, 08:26 AM
    Losing body fat % but not weight on the scale, continue?
    In 2 weeks I've lost 2% body fat on the scale but my weight has pretty much stayed within -5 lbs of the original weight.

    Also, after weights, is it a good idea to do HIIT on the treadmill. I am going 10 rounds of 1 minute walking 3 mph, then 30 seconds running at 9 mph

    Also, with the weights, should I add drop sets to speed up metabolism? I'm trying to get ripped by at least June or July, and I'm currently at 27% body fat.

    BTW, for the diet, I'm doing IIFYM and eating clean.
  • Jan 8, 2016, 11:07 AM
    If you work out and add muscle, you may actually gain weight as muscle is denser than fat. Keep working, it will help.
  • Jan 8, 2016, 12:19 PM
    Hi there. It sounds possible that you gained muscle while losing the fat. (Just in case, fat doesn't turn into muscle nor does muscle turn into fat. Someone had posted that elsewhere but it's not true.) Muscle does indeed weigh more than fat. I'm curious what your carbohydrate/protein ratio is. Protein burns fat but protein also builds muscle. Your body burns carbohydrates before fat. That's why you might hear people go on low Carb or no Carb diets like Atkins. You sure do lose weight fast on that diet though. If you do consider it, check with your doc first. Also, it's really hard and a bit dangerous to try and work out if you go without carbs. If you are going to cut carbs even more so, keep in mind that even veggies have carbs and/or sugar. As far as your metabolism, cardio speeds it up of course. But the weights are good for that. The more muscle mass you have, the more that muscle will burn fat even long after you stop your workout. Even when you're sleeping. So there's some food for thought.
  • Jan 8, 2016, 01:40 PM
    I am a constant runner and have always kept my weight down effortessly by doing so. Nothing else ever worked for me until I started to enjoy jogging, running in the open air, keeping hydrated.
  • Jan 8, 2016, 08:14 PM
    Weights and the such are not really weight losers, they build strength. Also fat is changed to muscles, so you will gain weight for a while doing this.

    You need to consider more aerobic exercise of 30 minutes up to a hour, and/or running if you want to really work on weight loss. (even walking)
  • Mar 20, 2016, 11:49 AM
    Hi Guys. I know this is an older post, but had to pop in and correct a little misinformation.

    Chuck said, " Also fat is changed to muscles". That is not correct, and it needed to be called out as it is a common misconception and I don't want someone out there quoting it someday is all. I hate to be the exercise police here, but a fat cell and a muscle cell are completely different cell structures and they will not change... they only grow or shrink.

    Further, the Atkins diet is a very bad idea for someone trying to maintain muscle. On the Atkins diet a person does indeed lose weight fast, but they shrink fat AND muscle cells... not a good idea for someone looking to cut weight but keep muscle on.

    Finally, since it doesn't look like Rackcity came back for any of the responses he was given, I won't bother to post any other information on HIIT training, weight lifting, or the IIFYM diet system.

    Thanks guys.


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