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  • Oct 21, 2015, 10:06 AM
    My toilet swirls but does not totally flush. Not clogged.
    The toilet flushes, swirls in bowl. Water does not totally flush. Plunged for two hours. Gallon of water poured in bowl makes water go down almost all the way very fast. Still does not completely flush. What to do?
  • Oct 21, 2015, 01:41 PM
    How do you know it's "not clogged". Plunging rarely removes any heavy blockage, just soft solids and paper. I would start with making sure the small hole in the front of the bowl and at the bottom is flowing water (if so equipped), it may be plugged. Make sure the water level is set properly. Make sure the holes under the rim are open-with very hard water they can clog, use a coat hanger to probe. Use a closet auger and if that doesn't help, pull the toilet and snake the line.
  • Oct 21, 2015, 01:45 PM
    Milo Dolezal
    Agree with above post. There may be something stuck inside the toilet bowl. You will have to remove toilet, flip it over and inspect it from both sides. Take hose, insert it inside the toilet and turn it ON full blast...

  • Oct 21, 2015, 02:30 PM
    Try these suggestions

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