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  • Jul 27, 2015, 01:19 AM
    Ok I ended my period on the 23 I spotted still when I had unprotected sex on the 25 my ovulation period starts the 29 can I be pregnant I'm really freaking out!!
  • Jul 27, 2015, 01:48 AM
    You can get pregnant any time you have sex, especially unprotected sex. What symptoms you have and when means almost nothing. And you don't know when ovulation is (where did you get that)?
    It's good that you are freaking out. Please find a clinic TODAY that gives out birth control pills. They can help you with a 72 hour pill (3 full days after sex). Those pills are not to be used as birth control, however. Strong drugs. And don't wait another day, just because it's under 72 hours.
  • Jul 27, 2015, 03:20 AM
    You should be terrified, It takes 2 or 3 days for the sperm to reach the egg, Ovulation is not exact, and really is not known unless you are testing for ovulation. **online or phone apps are guesses and never exact.

    So if the ovulation really is about then, that is good timing for pregnancy.
  • Jul 27, 2015, 06:58 AM
    You should be freaked out since unprotected sex is how females get pregnant. The ovulation issue is at best a guess that helps add to your freak out unless you have a physician helping you track it.

    If it freaks you out you should have already been to the pharmacy, and gotten a morning after pill, and found out HOW TO USE IT, and what to expect from using it.

    Then learn how to PROTECT yourself from getting pregnant because freaking out won't help you at all. Now go share this freak out with the one you got your freak on with in the first place!
  • Jul 27, 2015, 12:19 PM
    ANY time there is penile insertion there is the possibility of pregnancy. You can minimize the risks, but not eliminate them. So yes you could be pregnant. But there is no way to know for sure. You will have to wait until your next period is due and see if it comes. That will be the first sign of pregnancy.

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