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  • Apr 9, 2007, 12:04 PM
    Depression- leading to death?
    Hii ever since the middle of September last year I've been depressed but I never really thought it was depression until a couple months ago. I knew that I was sad and my moods changed all the time but it never really hit me that I was depressedf until I found out that my grandfather suffers from depression. But what I can't figure out it what really triggered the depression. My great grandfather passed away in September and I never really had 2 deal with death before that but I was fine after that happened. At christmas my and my boy friend began having some problems and that was when I really started getting depressed and I told my mom about it but she didn't do anything, I also be gan having problems with my family around the same time. I no longer felt like I was a part of the family. In November my younger brother caught me looking at suicide websites and told my mom about it who them confronted me. A couple weeks back my mom saw that I was upset and came to talk to me about it, but after her knowing for so long already I asked her why she just know decided to take interest in my depression and she told me that I need to go see my doctor. But what I'mn not sure about it why she's not taking action? Does she think that this is all a big joke?:confused: I', not sure wha I'm supposed to do anymore I want to give up and kill my self:( I'm once again having suicudal thoughts of overdosing or cutting my wrists:( I need help but don't know how to go about getting it
  • Apr 9, 2007, 02:10 PM
    Your mum is very worried. Please go see a doctor. I have lived with depression all my life. It can be treated. My dad committed suicide, please don't go that way. You're loved ones will never recover.
  • Apr 9, 2007, 03:40 PM
    What kind of action do you expect from your mother?
  • Apr 9, 2007, 03:52 PM
    Depression can manifest itself in many different disorders. I am sure you Mother is quite concerned, but may not know what to do. You may want to consider having a physical exam. There are physical disorders that can cause this, such as thyroid disorders.

    Please seek help. It may be something very simple before you are on the road to happiness.
  • Apr 12, 2007, 10:15 AM
    I'm gion through the same thing and I went to go se a thairopis and so far that's helping me a little bit here and there if you talk to you someone about your problems you feel a lot better and or even if you don't want to tell some one you should right it down so you can get them out of you because the longer you have them in you the longer its going to hurt and the more you want to kill yourself I know how it feels so I'm in the same place

    I hope you gett better and wish the best of luck for u
  • Aug 1, 2007, 02:12 PM
    Dreams of lies
    Hey its okay... if you can drive then maby find out were the nerist conceller is... if you can't see how fair it is to walk... but both was it not worthey of killing yourself you will miss out of lotes of things even though it sounds like a good idea.. it is not... I know what you are kind of going through so it is okay... if you can talk to people on line you can talk or wright to someone to talk about what is going on with your life... and your mom probably though that this could not be happening to my son/doughter... so I hope this helps you
  • Aug 1, 2007, 02:20 PM
    Your mom is very concerned with you, which is why she approached you and told you to see your doctor. She probably doesn't know what to do and how to help you, so I don't think it's disinterest on her part. People get depressed from time to time, and that's normal, perhaps she thought your depression was a passing thing.
    Kudos to your younger brother for taking up such concern and telling someone - he obviously loves you enough to do that.
    Take your mother's advice and go see the doctor. Depression is treatable and nothing to be ashamed of. I wish you the best.
  • Mar 27, 2009, 06:27 AM

    We have just lost our eldest son. He had a bad marriage. He was a wonderful guy with lots of close friends. H
  • Mar 27, 2009, 06:40 AM
    we have just lost our eldest son. He had a bad marriage. He was a wonderful guy with lots of close friends. He lost his life in the first few days of March. We are completely distraught. We will never see or talk to him again. We feel that he was in an overwhelming mood of despair, a mood that would pass, and as time passes, new things come about. However, what happened to him is final, it cannot be reversed and there is no coming back. After the event it became apparent how loving his brothers and sisters actually were. One sister went into a fit of trembling and could not stop for some time. Before the event it was not apparent how caring his family were. They were busy pursuing their careers, and keeping abreast with their commitments. He felt they did not care. It is a pity he could not have seen their expressions of distress and grief. I'm sure it would have propped him up and given him hope. Too late now! So sad. You may have no idea how loving your family really are. Most people do not express this emotion.

    see your GP. He will point you in the right direction. David had accessed the mental health services in Southampton. They were very caring and supportive. Unfortunately for David, his condition was much more serious than any of us ever knew.

    I wish you the very best for the future. Seek help. Life is the most valuable thing I can think of right now and I wish it could be returned to David, but it cannot happen
  • Mar 27, 2009, 12:31 PM

    YOu didn't mention how old you are, T.

    It sounds to me like you need a lot of loving attention from your mother over a couple of recent events in your life... trouble with your boyfriend and a death in the family. Young teens need the love and guidance of a mother in times of stress and confusion.

    Perhaps, you think you have to mention suicide to get her attention, mention the worst possible outcome in order for her to react.

    Why not tell your mother in a quiet moment how much you love her and that you need her help with some emotions that are overpowering you? Tell her straight out about you inner life. :)
    A loving mother will give you the attention you need and the direction you need to go in a positive direction.

    Best wishes, :)
  • May 7, 2012, 03:22 AM
    I think what you need is a relationship with Jesus. He can take away all your pains and sorrows and give you a new life

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