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  • Dec 8, 2014, 02:04 PM
    Gun possession in New Jersey
    My son is charged with possession of a gun. When the police came into the house he was at looking for somebody else, they found a gun hidden in the ceiling. There were 5 other people in the house. Everybody was arrested. His DNA was found on the gun. He jumped bail and in the meantime, everybody else was cleared of the charge. Does he have a chance at a trial and how much time could he get with an extensive record?
  • Dec 8, 2014, 02:43 PM

    Originally Posted by Anne61 View Post
    He jumped bail

    He will be fortunate to survive being captured. If he makes it to trial, his sentence will likely be maximized by his flight.
  • Dec 8, 2014, 04:38 PM
    The fact he jumped bail will not help the case at all. Also is he on probation or parole for any past crimes, if so, he may be revoked and have to serve those years also.

    Next will the state, turn it over to the Fed's, But his DNA (or did you mean fingerprints) were on the gun, which shows he was touching it, so he had possession of it. Actual ownership of the gun is not needed.

    But the one poster is correct, the warrant information officers receive will say, he is dangerous and possibility armed. So the police will do his arrest with their guns drawn most likely. He has a better chance of survival if he will turn his self in. Also, his lawyer can use his turning his self in, to help with any plea deal.

    With a big record, if they get a conviction, and he does not work out a plea deal, it is possible for 10 years, perhaps even more.

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