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  • Dec 5, 2014, 08:02 PM
    If Parent company is E-verified does its subsidiary considered E-verified.
    I have question regarding the E-verification. Currently, I am employee of XYZ company which is not E-verified company. But In 2011, ABC company acquired XYZ company as an independent, wholly owned subsidiary that continues to thrive as a stand-alone company. And ABC is E-verified. Both companies are in USA.
    So is it possible that I can use the E-verification number of ABC company when I file my OPT Extension.
  • Dec 6, 2014, 08:02 AM
    AK lawyer
    What country are these companies organized in? One would have to know this in order to understand your question.

    And verification for what purpose?

    Finally, you seem to be contradicting yourself. You first write that XYX is not e-verified, but then you go on to write "... XYZ company which is E-verified ...". Which is it?
  • Dec 6, 2014, 10:43 AM
    @AK Lawyer... I sorry for the confusion.I corrected my question. Both companies are in USA. And In USA to file OPT extension you need to have E-verified employer.
  • Dec 6, 2014, 04:04 PM
    AK lawyer
    You are still not clear.

    In the US, most companies are either corporations, LLCs, sole proprietorships, or partnerships (The use of the term "company", without identifying it as one of those entities, suggested that you were non-US). Which is it?

    I now understand that one company (i.e.: the "parent" company) owns another company (the "child" company) and the owned (child) company is your employer. I take it that you are talking about taxpayer ID numbers (employer ID number, or EIN), and that you seek to file an extension on some sort of federal tax return. In that case no, you cannot use the EIN of the parent company if you are an employee of the child company.

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