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  • Apr 8, 2007, 06:30 PM
    Solitaire diamond ring or a diamond ring of small diamonds of same carat weight?
    Which dioamond ring should I buy a solitaire diamond ring or a diamond ring of small diamonds of same carat weight?
  • Apr 9, 2007, 07:58 PM
    Hi, is this for an engagement? If it's just going to be a fun ring to wear daily, then got for the small diamonds. If it's from your fiancé then, get the solitairre.
  • Apr 9, 2007, 08:07 PM

    Originally Posted by sportyindy
    Which dioamond ring should I buy a solitaire diamond ring or a diamond ring of small diamonds of same carat weight?

    It all depends on your personal taste really, a solitaire is normally more of a raised setting and smaller ones that add up to the same are from what I've seen imbedded more. I agree with the other person if its from your fiancée get a solitaire but it really is personal preference
  • Apr 9, 2007, 08:19 PM
    Either can be nice, the single stone is more traditional, I got one with a lot of small diamonds because it was more my wife's taste ( with a larger stone in the center) But in the end make it one she will wear and use.

    If she does certain jobs, any of them may not be wearable, For example with my wife, she is a professional musican, and does not like the weight when she plays, so except for the wedding band, the bigger rings stay locked in the safe.
  • Apr 11, 2007, 03:58 PM

    Originally Posted by sportyindy
    Which dioamond ring should I buy a solitaire diamond ring or a diamond ring of small diamonds of same carat weight?

    Thanks a lot.. actually solitaire rings are costlier than rings with small diamonds even if they have same carat weight. So I wanted to ask whether solitaire diamonds is much better than small diamonds? So one should buy solitaire or small diamonds?
  • Apr 13, 2007, 07:04 PM
    If it is an engagement ring, get the solitaire.
  • Apr 13, 2007, 07:56 PM
    And by a old man who has learned a lot of lessons, if you are picking out an engagement ring, take her with you, and let her pick it out, you will sleep a lot of nights better and have one less item brought back up for the rest of your life.
  • Apr 28, 2007, 12:08 PM
    Yipee for Friar Chuck! Such wise words!

    Bigger diamonds cost more than little diamonds as the larger diamonds are more "rare" and harder to find naturally as well as more difficult to cut into the desirable shape and facets...

    For an engagement ring- go for the solitaire. Depending on where you live you may be able to find "more for your money" by looking at some estate jewelers (of course sometimes they are way more expensive... )... My husband and I chose my ring together- he gave me one I honestly did not like (we didn't think we could afford a diamond at the time and he got one with birthstones which was gorgeous but the setting was really tacky and I'm a modern, streamlined gal)... So finding my dream ring after we were doing better financially was a project for both of us together and made "the hunt" and "the story" behind my forever ring memorable and one that we love to recount to others...

    We found the ring at a gift shop in Boston in a touristy area- the owner had a love of art deco and depression era fine jewelry so she had some for sale in a small case in the shop... We ended up getting a 1 carat ring in a setting that nobody else has (which made it more special), with personalized service (sizing, etc) for a better than good price... We kept joking that perhaps it was a fake because the price was good (we paid $1100 for a one carat diamond solitaire with 3 small diamonds set in the band on either side... this was almost 9 years ago)... We did have it appraised when we had my wedding band made (again, cheaper than buying a ready made and it is perfect with my ring which has an odd band profile) and my $1100 ring is actually worth over $6000 but more importantly it is "MY" ring...

    So perhaps find another way to ask her to marry you or present a "placeholder" ring or a picture of a generic ring in a lovely box and then say that you want picking out the ring to be something that you do together because that's what marriage is about... Or pick out a few and let her pick the one she likes best as she will be wearing it daily (and some rings just aren't made for daily wear... )...

    (I make sterling silver jewelry by the way and do custom work and simple bands inexpensively (Etsy :: Mother's Day Gifts: Handcrafted Jewelry and Shea Butter )... If you need a placeholder I can help or try doing a search for the words "diamond ring" on Etsy :: Your place to buy and sell all things handmade which is all handmade goods including spectacular jewelry so you won't be getting your special gal anything less than something unique and perfect!)

    Oh and a band with small diamonds would pair lovely with many solitaires as don't forget - you will need a wedding band!
  • May 20, 2008, 11:56 AM

    Originally Posted by sportyindy
    Which dioamond ring should I buy a solitaire diamond ring or a diamond ring of small diamonds of same carat weight?

    I use to own a jewelry shop and there is no comparison to the two. Small diamonds may equal TCW of 1 carat but a 1 carat diamond is worth more. This all depends on the three c's-color-clarity and carat weight. Just depends on which you like better. If this is for a girl then go with the solitaire if it's for an engagement ring. If it's a gift then go with a ring with small diamonds so she won't think you want to marry her.
  • Jul 17, 2009, 12:39 AM

    You'll get more options with respect to designs while buying a multiple small diamond ring. You may go for Cathedral setting, Pave Setting, Channel Setting or any other setting.

    For a more simpler look, 3-Stone diamond ring would look awesome.

    For simple, yet gorgeous look, go for solitaire diamond ring.

    Personally, I guess the 3-stone diamond ring will give a beautiful & pleasant look.
  • May 4, 2011, 06:37 AM
    As far as I know the solitaire stones are on higher risk to be lost but I only talk from personal experience. I don't know, the jeweler could be to blame here for not using the right techniques. It really depends on taste, I prefer the <a href="">antique engagement rings</a>, they always get my attention, they're probably what I'll go for when the time comes. You should just go for the small diamonds, that's what I would do.
  • May 4, 2011, 04:38 PM
    If it's an engaement ring go with the solitaire otherwise get what you like!

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