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  • Sep 28, 2014, 10:38 AM
    Poor us... puppy won't potty train.
    Ok peeps, we need help. We have a 9-10 week old cocker spaniel. It's only been 2 weeks since we have had her but there is ZERO progress in the potty training area. We take her out after she wakes from naps, a little while after she eats... and just about every half an hour anyway. She's rewarded with a treat when she potties outside. We she does pee inside... which is just as much as she does outside, we clean up all traces of urine. She's not hit or scolded when she goes inside... we just tell her no and take her out. She can go 3-4 times in the yard, we'll take her in and within 5 minutes she'll have gone again on the floor. Like I said, it's been two weeks and she's a puppy... I understand there is a learning curve for her, but I thought there would at least be SOME progress with it. Any ideas... anyone?

  • Sep 28, 2014, 11:26 AM
    First - she should have a confined area indoors, with papers etc. You can buy adjustable 'playpen' gates, or just make one out of stuff she can't get around. Maybe 4' x 4'. She'll be far less likely to go in her space. A crate at night is good too, with blankets and toys, with the door open to the confined area for peeing (hopefully not) and drinking water. It shouldn't be too long before you can close her sleeping crate at night, because she should be able to go all night without peeing.
    Second, is there any chance of a UTI?
    Third, aim for a schedule. Dogs love them. You can change them of course as she gets older.
    Fourth, do you know if she had any training at all before you got her? Puppies can learn a lot very early. If she didn't, more work for you. Certainly doable pretty quickly. If you think she's peeing out of nervousness from too much going on around her and too many people or other animals, cut down on all that.
  • Sep 28, 2014, 02:47 PM
    We had a UIT issue with our cat and once we got him medicated for it things cleared up real fast. Most likely the dog is going to see the vet this week for that. That would, of course, explain her inability to hold it.

    As far as crates and cages that is exactly what we're doing. She won't go IN her bed, but believe me she has no problem peeing RIGHT next to it. Washing her bedding and sleeping animals is a daily thing at this point because they always get peed on. We do of course have two younger girls, and I've talked to them about settling down in the house so the dog doesn't get too worked up. Honestly most of the time when she goes it's and quite and calm as things could be. She does well on walks, as I said always goes as soon as we take her out. Just can't get it through to her where NOT to go. I'll keep you posted on the UTI. Thanks
  • Sep 28, 2014, 05:34 PM
    I do not agree with Joy on this. Do not put papers down, and do not use puppy pads, unless you want to train your very young puppy to continue pottying inside.

    Your puppy is 10 weeks old. At this point you're training, but you won't see results. She's far too young to hold her bladder for long, and far too young to really understand what you want of her. That's not to say that you shouldn't be training her. You should, and it's great that you are. But don't expect her to really get it until she's at least 4 months old. Until then she really can't even tell when she has to go pee.

    At her age she should not be crated for more than 1 1/2 hours a day (the rules is one hour for each month of age). Take her out at least 15 minutes after each meal. If she doesn't potty then, wait a few more minutes and take her again. She should be going out every hour at least.

    At night crate her, but be prepared to take her out every 3 hours for a break. Make sure her crate is not too big, just big enough for her to stand, turn around, and lie down. Most dogs don't potty where they sleep but that does depend on where you got her from, and the conditions she was living in. If she's a pet store puppy she'll have a harder time learning to potty outside, and she will likely also potty in her crate, because that's what she was taught to do.

    Keep up the training, but be patient. She still has to grow up a bit before you can expect her to be reliable with potty training.

    Good luck :)
  • Sep 28, 2014, 07:47 PM
    Puppies, like babies, take time and patience to potty train. Pads and papers should not be advised. This only causes confusion to the young pup.

    Along with what Alty said, you need to watch for cues. Sniffing and circling are two such cues that puppy is needing to go out.

    I feel your pain as I have a 13 week old catahoula leopard puppy. We've had her for about a month now. She's getting better and she might go a day or two without accidents, but she still has them. Our old lab/Aussie mix housebroke all of our other dogs but she's just too old to train this one.
  • Sep 29, 2014, 01:33 PM
    Great added advice J. Another note, if you catch puppy mid pee or mid poo, pick her up and bring her outside. You may end up with a spray of urine all over you, but most times when puppy is picked up, she'll stop peeing, same with pooing.

    This gives the clear message that doing this inside is not okay. Then you just have to wait for puppies body to catch up with the training.

    Also, when you're outside use a potty word. Choose one word, and stick to that one. When she does go outside throw a huge party. I'm talking pets, belly rubs, good girl, such a good girl, treats, you name it. When she does it inside, a firm no, then take her outside.

    Dogs live to please their people, and will do what they're taught to do. But it takes time, it takes patience, and it takes work. You have to be just as strict with yourself as you are with her. If you do this half way (not saying that's what you're doing, but too many people do), then you'll only get half the results you want.

    If by the age of 6 months she's still pottying in the house, then there may well be a medical issue. If you do think this could be a UTI, then mention it to your vet when she goes in for her next set of shots, or before if she's showing signs that this could be a UTI. But for a 10 week old puppy to pee a lot, or pee in the house, is not a sign of a UTI, it's just a sign of being a 10 week old puppy. :)

    We'd love pictures.
  • Sep 29, 2014, 02:41 PM
    Then there's this.
  • Sep 29, 2014, 03:11 PM
    I too don't agree with papers or puppy pads; but I cant expound on alty's advice. You have to remember that she is a baby, small bladder, same as young children peeing in bed because their bladders haven't caught up to their growing bodies yet.
  • Sep 29, 2014, 05:40 PM
    Joy, the puppy in that article is 10 months old, almost a year! HH's puppy is 10 weeks old. Weeks! This is a baby. Like all babies, it takes time for their bodies to catch up. At 10 weeks of age a puppy doesn't even understand the feeling of having to pee. They just do it. If you're lucky enough to be outside when they do it, than one less puddle to clean up. But at this age it's unrealistic to except this puppy to be potty trained. Most dogs don't have actual control of their bladders until at least 4 months of age. You should do some googling about that instead of googling older puppies with potty issues. That doesn't even begin to apply to this case. Not even close.
  • Sep 29, 2014, 06:33 PM
    Attachment 46639
    Attachment 46640

    Well, it does seem we are doing pretty much everything mentioned above. She actually had a very good day... except she went literally right when I was telling my wife how good she had been tonight ;) We do use a pad in her cage, but only at night. Surprise surprise it was dry this morning. I wasn't, she went on me as I picked her up to take her out (but I was blown away she held it all night!). Since she was able to hold it that long and then some while my wife ran in to town today I'm not worried about a UTI anymore. As everyone has mentioned, she is just very young still. We'll see how the next few days/weeks go... she made progress today that was noticeable so I'm sure it'll all be fine. Just like an infant, I can't wait to get her out of diapers. Thanks all, I'll keep you updated.
  • Sep 29, 2014, 06:38 PM
    A pad in her cage? Not good HH, not good at all. Not unless you actually want to teach her to potty in her crate, which is not only unnatural for her, but setting yourself up with a lot of issues later on.

    The reason that her crate was dry is because it's not natural for a dog to pee or poo where it sleeps. She's a good girl, but boy she must have been ready to burst if she had to hold it all night. Poor pup. Sorry to say, but her peeing all over you, well, you kind of got what you deserved by making her hold it all night at 10 weeks of age. Not okay. Sorry if that sounds harsh, I don't mean it to. Just stating the facts.

    Look at it this way. In the wild, dogs live in dens. From the moment they're born momma dog doesn't allow them to pee in the den. She carries them outside to do their business, and she does it often because they're little and need to potty often. Puppies are born knowing that it's not okay to pee and poo where you sleep.

    Sadly, once we started bringing dogs into our homes, they relied on us to show them where we want them to potty. The crate is her den, and unless she has no choice, or she's taught to pee and poo there, she won't. It goes against her nature. But, if you got to go, and no one takes you out of the crate so you can, then you'll go, and you'll quickly learn that that's what your humans want you to do, to go against your nature.

    Work with her, not against her. Take her out often, even at night. It's like having a newborn. You had to get up every few hours then to change diapers, and it's the same with a young puppy.

    By around 4 months of age she shouldn't have to get up at night to potty anymore, but at her age she does. If you continue to make her hold it all night, and she continues to be a very good girl and not allow herself to pee, even though I'm very sure she's ready to burst long before you take her out of her crate, then she will soon have the UTI you thought she had.
  • Sep 29, 2014, 07:23 PM
    Sad. The links didn't work. It told me I was trying to view a link that was no longer available. :(
  • Sep 30, 2014, 03:03 PM
    For the pictures? Hmmm... I just checked them and could still view them. Anyone else unable to?
  • Sep 30, 2014, 03:11 PM
    I see them.
  • Sep 30, 2014, 04:53 PM
    So it's just me?

    Darnit! Maybe it's the skin I'm on. :(
  • Sep 30, 2014, 05:29 PM
    I can't see them either
  • Sep 30, 2014, 05:52 PM
    Now I can't see them.
  • Sep 30, 2014, 06:06 PM
    It's a plague! We're destroying the internet! ;)
  • Sep 30, 2014, 06:10 PM
    It's those Russian hackers!
  • Sep 30, 2014, 06:12 PM
    LOL! Okay, before we hijack this thread, pictures would be nice, but they're not necessary to answer this question.

    So I'd like to ask how HH feels about the advice given so far, and if he needs any more advice on how to properly raise a puppy. :)

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