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  • Sep 15, 2014, 09:29 PM
    Suing Sears
    I have had an issue with Sears. They delivered a dishwasher to my house and hit my truck. It has been over 2 months of talking to everyone and nothing is being done. I have a claim number but that means nothing to anyone. They don't want to pay the 1200 to 1300 that it will take to fix it they offered my $150 dollars and that is it. My next step is I am probably going to be calling the police because it will be considered hit and run. They don't want to tell me who their insurance company is. I am then going to have to figure out who and how I take them to small claims for the damage. Sears is such a rip off. I used to buy all my appliances from them now I am afraid to.
  • Sep 16, 2014, 12:32 AM
    You file a claim, check out, often with the Sec of state office, where you file legal service on them, in your state.

    You go to the court house and file the suit.

    Be sure, you have documented every phone call, and every visit.
  • Sep 16, 2014, 04:30 AM
    If it was Hit and Run how do you know it was the Sears Delivery? Why did you not call the police immediately? I doubt if you can get them involved now.

    File a claim with your insurer, they can then sue Sears and find out who their carrier is (don't be surprised if they are self insured, I had that happen with Verizon). At least you can get your vehicle repaired.

    P,S, Its not a good idea to piggyback your question on another thread. To avoid confusion your question has been moved to its own thread.

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