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  • Jul 23, 2014, 06:08 AM
    FAA issues travel ban for US airliners into Israel
    Would you say that with that action ,the US government has joined the BDS movement against Israel ?

    Sec State John F. Kerry flew into Ben Gurion Int. Airport despite the ban ,defying the warning and the obvious danger of a random rocket making it through the Iron Dome. When putting away his reading material before landing he got a paper cut . He is now in line for another Purple Heart .

    but I digress.
    It has always been a goal of Hamas to shut down Ben Gurion . Well done US !! You have given them tremendous leverage in their Cairo negotiations. Kerry has implied on more than one occassion that US commerce with Israel could be affected if they don't kow-tow to our will.

    The terms of the ceasefire deal are emerging .They include opening the check point at Rafah into Sinai with Fatah’s militias to control the crossing .The deal also allows Gaza a "fishing zone" (ie smuggle in arms via the sea ) ,and an end to Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza. Hamas also wants the reconstruction of the Yasser Arafat Airport in the Rafah (air delivery of weapons ) .It is unclear if Israel will nix any of the terms .
    The best part of the deal is that Qatar will provide $$$$ for Hamas "salaries" (ie money to buy more weaponry ).Oh yeah ;and Hamas is demanding the release of 60 Hamas officials arrested by Israel in the West Bank in response to the kidnapping and murder of the three Israeli teens.
    Hamas is holding out because they wanted to create a 'mass-casualty event' so they can claim victory . Not sure if the 13 Israeli soldiers KIA qualifies. The closing of Ben Gurion clearly is a Hamas victory .
    Look for Kerry to be nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize .
  • Jul 23, 2014, 07:09 AM
    No Tom I think it is sensible, you can't have business as usual and a war. Besides rockets have fallen close to Ben Gurion and noone wants a repeat of the Ukraine that would give the palestinians a victory and noone wants that.Any way your headlines is a beatup


    And after a rocket launched from Gaza landed within a mile of Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv, the agency banned flights from the United States to Israel for 24 hours.

    Hamas needs a rocket shoved right up you know where
  • Jul 23, 2014, 07:21 AM
    If you can find them. That's the problem, they can't find Hamas and blowing up everything in Gaza hasn't stopped the rockets, or Hamas. Israel is playing the terrorist game and will pay a huge price.
  • Jul 23, 2014, 07:37 AM

    and blowing up everything in Gaza hasn't stopped the rockets
    is that what you think ? that Israel is "blowing up everything" ?


    No Tom I think it is sensible
    Everyone else is still flying in . If it's sensible then why only a 24 hr restriction ? No ;it's designed to send a message to Israel.
  • Jul 23, 2014, 08:01 AM
    Kerry's daddy is Jewish, wonder why he is so anti? The guy could do Scarecrow in a modern remake of the"Wizard of Oz".
  • Jul 23, 2014, 08:11 AM
    The ban is limited to 24 hours and give Israel time to ramp up its security measures and then be reevaluated.
  • Jul 23, 2014, 08:31 AM
    As I said before the message to Israel is you can't have a war and business as usual, civilians have to be protected and it is a sensible protection not just imposed by the US. Cease fire has been called for, don't know what else you can do but keep your cotton pickin nose out of it for once, but no, Kerry is looking for a nomination out of this. You think Israel has gone the terrorist road, but the palistinians just don't get the message, keep your head down, stop the argy bargy, and things might improve after a while, but hey no one said Israel or Gaza were free countries, each has its own problems and I certainly would not like to live next to a potential terrorist
  • Jul 23, 2014, 09:14 AM
    I don't think Israel as gone the terrorist road at all. This is what I think . Israel was told "land for peace" . They gave up the land ,and got an endless barrage of missiles instead . They were told if you don't give up land for peace then you suffer the consequences of BDS . Instead ,now they are suffering effective BDS for the audacity of defending themselves ;and they have most of the world ;including the so called civilized world rooting for their destruction.
  • Jul 23, 2014, 09:33 AM
    JF Kerry was forced to undergo a metal detector screening before seeing Egyptian President Sissi . Now why would he be subject to that humiliation ? Perhaps it's because we supported the Hamas backed Muslim Brotherhood terror network during the Arab Spring ? The same network that is attacking Egypt today across the Libyian border . Yes Libya ,the nation we made safe for jihadists.
    Gunmen attack Egypt troops, killing 21 near Libya | News24
  • Jul 23, 2014, 09:36 AM
    Everybody is at war, screw the spin.
  • Jul 23, 2014, 09:48 AM

    The ban is limited to 24 hours and give Israel time to ramp up its security measures and then be reevaluated
    They have been extended ;and will continue to be until Israel succumbs to the will of the emperor and his Grima Wormtongue ,JF Kerry.
  • Jul 23, 2014, 09:59 AM
    Can you conservatives do without soaring rhetoric? The FAA has its own security interests. Like safety of planes, crew, and passenger. And what kind of DUFUS expects tourists while terrorists are shooting missiles at him?
  • Jul 23, 2014, 10:58 AM
    Israel continues to have tourism . These rocket attacks did not start last week . They have been continuous since they surrendered Gaza for peace. They have had tourist even though the missile attacks on Israel average 3 every day since 2001.
  • Jul 23, 2014, 11:23 AM
    Gave Hamas a nice propaganda victory.
  • Jul 23, 2014, 11:38 AM
    Propaganda is BS.
  • Jul 23, 2014, 12:14 PM
    Good for them.
  • Jul 23, 2014, 12:24 PM
    This from the administration responsible for Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Persecution by the IRS, and the open doors policy for illegals, etc, etc, um... ok...
  • Jul 23, 2014, 12:52 PM
    The FAA ban is to protect US citizens. Is that the wrong thing to do?
  • Jul 23, 2014, 01:47 PM
    a rocket landed a mile away from the airport . If I wanted to go to Israel ,I'd fly El Al anyway . All they really are doing is punishing Israel and travelers who want to go there . Like I said ,Israel has lived under the constant threat of missile strikes for a decade .

    Propaganda is BS.

    not in this case. Israel doesn't want all out war . But now the perception in most of the world will be that Hamas forced Israel to accept a cease fire on Hamas terms.
  • Jul 23, 2014, 02:05 PM
    You'd think they would have banned going near the Mexican border after arming all the drug lords on the other side of it with automaic weapons. That was and remains a far greater threat.

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