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  • Jul 18, 2014, 09:25 PM
    How will a divorce affect me financially?
    I've been married almost 5 years, but I'm not sure if me and my husband will stay together. I want us to go to therapy for a while and then decide.

    My question is, if we do divorce, I'm worried how I'm going to support myself. I'm disabled and my disability check is only $220 a month. Will I get SSDI (supplemental income)? If so, will they give me enough to live in a small apartment and enough for food, etc? I expect to live poorly, but I just want to know if I'll at least get enough money to put a roof over my head, pay bills, and afford groceries. I don't think I would try to get spousal support (unless social security gives me so little that I'm very desperate). But I'd really rather not ask that of my husband.

    I live in Louisiana. Does anyone have an idea how much money I'd get (even a ballpark amount)?
  • Jul 18, 2014, 10:04 PM
    In most cases, it would not be enough to live on. ( or at a level I would want to live)
    Perhaps if you could get free or reduced housing.

    You need to go to the office and discuss this with the case worker, to look at your specific file.

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