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  • Jul 2, 2014, 09:55 PM
    Like the words of a song
    don't take your guns to town

    US retail giant Target asks customers to leave firearms at home |

    it's like an echo from my youth

    "Don't Take Your Guns To Town"

    A young cowboy named Billy Joe grew restless on the farm
    A boy filled with wonderlust who really meant no harm
    He changed his clothes and shined his boots
    And combed his dark hair down
    And his mother cried as he walked out

    Don't take your guns to town son
    Leave your guns at home Bill
    Don't take your guns to town

    He laughed and kissed his mom
    And said your Billy Joe's a man
    I can shoot as quick and straight as anybody can
    But I wouldn't shoot without a cause
    I'd gun nobody down
    But she cried again as he rode away

    Don't take your guns to town son
    Leave your guns at home Bill
    Don't take your guns to town

    He sang a song as on he rode
    His guns hung at his hips
    He rode into a cattle town
    A smile upon his lips
    He stopped and walked into a bar
    And laid his money down
    But his mother's words echoed again

    Don't take your guns to town son
    Leave your guns at home Bill
    Don't take your guns to town

    He drank his first strong liquor then to calm his shaking hand
    And tried to tell himself he had become a man
    A dusty cowpoke at his side began to laugh him down
    And he heard again his mothers words

    Don't take your guns to town son
    Leave your guns at home Bill
    Don't take your guns to town

    Filled with rage then
    Billy Joe reached for his gun to draw
    But the stranger drew his gun and fired
    Before he even saw
    As Billy Joe fell to the floor
    The crowd all gathered 'round
    And wondered at his final words

    Don't take your guns to town son
    Leave your guns at home Bill
    Don't take your guns to town

    but in reality it is the opening shots in a backlash against gun culture
  • Jul 3, 2014, 06:54 AM
    It is not unusual for a private establishment to make rules governing patrons attire ,and behavior .
  • Jul 3, 2014, 06:57 AM
    Target earned a spot on my do not patronize list... not that I've gone there much or bought much there before.
  • Jul 3, 2014, 08:12 AM
    I respect them for taking a stand on customer safety
  • Jul 3, 2014, 08:17 AM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    I respect them for taking a stand on customer safety

    You are aware of how BAD their "cutomer saftey" record is...

    Timeline of Target's Data Breach And Aftermath: How Cybertheft Snowballed For The Giant Retailer

    Customers have far, FAR more to fear from Target, than they do from any other customer.
  • Jul 3, 2014, 09:40 AM
    Cybercrime and fear from being assaulted or killed in a store are two separate issues.
  • Jul 3, 2014, 09:46 AM
    Well, I know YOU would not grasp the situation... How many people have ever been shot inside a Target by another customer? ZERO

    How many people have had their lives uprooted over the lack of competence and due dilligence by Target employees> Roughly 110 million people.

    And from one of your beloved uber left wing media sources. Target: Hacking hit up to 110 million customers - Jan. 10, 2014

    Unless you or someone you know personally has been the victim of indentity can't grasp the extent of trouble that causes or for how many years they will be dealing with the results of it after it is discovered.
  • Jul 3, 2014, 09:54 AM
    Target requested customers refrain from "open carry" in their stores after some bozos decided to walk around Target stores toting rifles. I'm ok with that. Besides, if something happened the bad guys are going to take out the obvious targets first, the idiots with the rifles. Then hopefully a guard or someone with a CCL can furnish the taxpayer relief shot to the perp.
  • Jul 3, 2014, 09:59 AM

    Unless you or someone you know personally has been the victim of indentity can't grasp the extent of trouble that causes or for how many years they will be dealing with the results of it after it is discovered.
    Pssst... it's part of my job to protect people from that. I'll always know more than you on that subject. :-)
  • Jul 3, 2014, 10:11 AM

    Pssst... it's part of my job to protect people from that. I'll always know more than you on that subject. :-)

    So you claim, so you claim... since you are so fiond of saying stuff like that.

    How many people do you know who were actually victims of Identity theft... that had their bank accounts emptied, or a substantial part of them before it was discovered? I can name several... One is still dealing with the fallout 10 years after it happened even though the people that did it were caught and put in jail in a matter of months.

    As compaired to a supposed threat of something that hasn't occurred...
  • Jul 3, 2014, 11:43 AM
    Still better than my kids being shot.
  • Jul 3, 2014, 11:46 AM
    Your kids are more likely to be shot by an out of control cop, than a law abiding citizen with a gun.
  • Jul 3, 2014, 12:05 PM
    If someone shoots up or robs a department store or a 7-11 or a theater or a school then he obviously isn't a law abiding citizen is he? That's the people to be worried about.
  • Jul 3, 2014, 12:21 PM
    You are so far out in left field with that argument NK... that you aren't even in the parking lot much less the ballpark.

    MOST people who do those acts... aren't legal gun owners to begine with.

    But then, I Canada... thats a concept that's hard to grasp. Because the only people there with guns are the criminals and the Canadian Gestapo. And you have to be in fear of both.

    Here, 99.9999% of the people with guns don't commit crimes.
  • Jul 3, 2014, 03:36 PM

    Here, 99.9999% of the people with guns don't commit crimes.
    no it's the guns that commit the crime and they dare the only ones who kill 40,000 people a year. Given your rediculous statistic which places the number of criminals with guns at about 300, that is a big kill rate don't you think?
  • Jul 3, 2014, 04:32 PM

    If someone shoots up or robs a department store or a 7-11 or a theater or a school then he obviously isn't a law abiding citizen is he? That's the people to be worried about.
    So how does the Target policy keep the non-law abiding citizen out of the store? I could never figure out how these policies of stores are supposed to protect anyone at all. The guy that is going to go on a rampage isn't going to stop and say, "damn, I wanted to go in there and shoot people but their policy says I can't carry a gun into the store."

    With that said, I agree with the reasoning that caused them to start the policy. I'm licensed to carry...I carry all the time....but nobody has to see it or even know that I have it on me. At the same time, the simple fact that I have it on me in no way endangers anyone around me.
  • Jul 4, 2014, 06:04 AM

    I someone shoots up or robs a department store or a 7-11 or a theater or a school then he obviously isn't a law abiding citizen is he? That's the people to be worried about
    Yup, that's what we've been saying. Yet the gun control crowd wants to disarm the good guys.
  • Jul 4, 2014, 06:08 AM
    I guess anyone outside of the US will never understand your gun culture.
  • Jul 4, 2014, 04:48 PM

    I guess anyone outside of the US will never understand your gun culture.

    Don't just narrow it to gun culture, but the whole of the culture is skewed to me, if I can't do it then it isn't wrong, or undesirable, it is an infringement of some imagined right. Other cultures are capable of living free lives without the gun, what you have there is a culture that needs the gun becuase they have a violent culture created by the gun. The second amendment didn't say they had the right to use the gun for any reason other than the defense of the country
  • Jul 5, 2014, 05:16 AM
    It's not an imagined right, it is enumerated in the constitution and upheld by the courts. You people don't hunt in Canada and and Australia? You don't believe in being able to protect yourself,  your family, your property, your country? It isn't we law abiding gun owners creating some violent culture, we're the ones minding our own business while clueless, intolerant morons try to force their values on us and leave us vulnerable to the godless animals their values created.

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