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  • Jun 18, 2014, 12:24 AM
    How do I make my blog known to others?
    What should I do to make my blog get enough attention? I want it to be noticed by the public as I have written about some of the social issues women have.
  • Jun 18, 2014, 04:44 AM
    You wait until the search engines pick it up... and if its compelling enough to get people to read it then it might rise in the search engine results... but with the millions of other blogs and sites out there... your will have to be compelling enough to other people to read, if its not, then it sinks into obscurity. THe more other people what sites with anything on the topic...the better and more compelling yours will have to be to get any attention.
  • Jun 18, 2014, 01:14 PM
    Another thing you can do is make a youtube video and refer back to your blog for contact and other information.
  • Jun 18, 2014, 03:20 PM
    Each subject should have a title full of keywords people search for.
    "How I handled my child's lying when she was age 5 - 7."
    "On being a single mother in India"
    "Teaching arithmetic at home to a 6 year old."
  • Jun 18, 2014, 11:43 PM
    Thank you cdad that was a great idea!
    Thanks for your simple yet brilliant idea joy :)

    "THe more other people what sites with anything on the topic.."
    Hi smoothy could you explain that line? I don't understand what you meant by that.
  • Jun 19, 2014, 05:06 AM
    Darn spell checker... missed that typo until well oafter it was too late to edit.The "WHat" should have been "with" WHat that means... is there are likely to be a lot of other sites out there with content on the same topic. Yours will have to sound more interesting and more credible than all of those others.If you have your own actual website... you have a lot of other options... but if you have a blog on someone else's those are not available to you, such as metadata, and search engine submissions.Using the right key word as was mentioned by joypulv will get it indexed by the search engines web bots. But placement in those search engine results unless you pay them for pplacement, will be dependent on how many people click through that search engine result. THat all might actually sound simple and cut and dry... but its far from it... because what works this month might not work as well several months from now because they constatntly tweek their software to keep those who really manage to figure it out best from exploiting it, but if you can get the traffic to you based on your content... and keep traffic coming, then your site will earn a higher spot on the list, meaning instead of page 100 of results... you get on the first couple pages... get it all right and you might manage page one without paying a dime in placement fees.
  • Jun 27, 2014, 09:11 AM
    Content is king write about issues that you are passionate about and that you can deliver content that will be of value to your readers. Get some quality content posted then hunt for readers. If you send someone to a blank blog they won't come back.
    Now getting readers. Social media is good Google+, Facebook and Twitter all can be useful. I like promoting on Google+, you join some groups that are in your field and participate, just constantly linking back to your blog turns off others. Once they see you as a contributing member to their discussions they will follpo0w your link-backs and read your content.
    Good Luck
  • Aug 27, 2014, 01:43 AM
    For this you have to share your blog in different social media website so that people will let know about your blog. You can also submit your blog in blog directories.
  • Aug 27, 2014, 04:38 AM
    Another way is to post on forums, like this one, to answer questions or join discussions on the issues that you write about. Include a link to your blog on your site profile or in your signature line. If people find your answers relevant, they may want to read more of your work.

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