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  • Jun 9, 2014, 11:36 PM
    I am a graduate in arts education and all I want is a financial aid to start life
    I have completed the University with a degree in Art Education and am looking for financial aid to start a Graphic Design business in my area. Please is there any body to contact for help with printers so that I can start something?
  • Jun 10, 2014, 01:27 AM
    What country are you at ? In US, the Small Business Administration may have options on business loans.

    Do you have a written business plan, have you done survey of the needs of the business and costs involved.
  • Jun 10, 2014, 03:41 AM
    All you want is financial aid? No, life doesn't work that way after school. Everyone wants money to get started. You can get a loan, not aid. But these days, loans are extremely difficult to get. You need to show that you have a good product or service and a customer base BEFORE you get a loan. If you don't know how to get started, self employment isn't for you yet. Get a job with a graphic design company for a year or two.
  • Jun 10, 2014, 04:41 AM
    There are some sites where you can post an idea or business plan and ask for venture capital. I'm not sure of the names, but using Google or Bing should find some.
  • Jun 10, 2014, 04:50 AM
    You get a job.. save up money, then reinvest it to start a business you wish to start.

    A recent Graduate, no work experience, no experience in that field... faces significant risks that will influence any lender. Do you have a business plan? If you haven't done one... you need to start. And investor will want to see one to see how they are going to not only get their investment back... but to make something extra for taking the risk.

    Plus that's a seriously cutthroat field with razor thin margins to begin with... I know... my brother left that field for that very reason. And its even worse today since advances in computers, and printers means far more businesses can do more of that work in-house than used to be able not so many years ago.

    Sorry to rain on your parade....but I wish you the best of luck.....its a tough field.

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