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  • Apr 4, 2007, 04:45 PM
    Has anyone trusted carbo drinks for passing a urine test for t.h.c.
    Has anyone out there had success with them?
  • Apr 4, 2007, 04:49 PM
    As a police officer who has helped and worked with city probation, I havve meet a lot of people who "trusted" them for passing the test, and basically they had the pleasure of failing them all. If it is in your system, it will show up, it is plain chemistry. Honestly the only way to pass them is just not to do the drugs.
  • Apr 4, 2007, 04:54 PM
    As a nursing student and a nurse intern who has assisted with these tests. I can tell you that they are a waste of your money, just like the pot you are smoking.
  • Apr 4, 2007, 05:04 PM

    Originally Posted by J_9
    As a nursing student and a nurse intern who has assisted with these tests. I can tell you that they are a waste of your money, just like the pot you are smoking.

    Thank you for the help, I trusted them once, I was naïve, but I have given up smoking(for now), it really helps me relax, so I am waiting for the day that I can do it again.
    I choose to call it "medical marijuana"
    The only time it was a waste of money, is when it poor quality... :)
  • Apr 4, 2007, 05:08 PM
    Let me ask you this...

    Do you smoke cigarettes? If not, why not? If so, how many a day?
  • Apr 4, 2007, 05:12 PM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    As a police officer who has helped and worked with city probation, I havve meet alot of people who "trusted" them for passing the test, and basicly they had the pleasure of failing them all. If it is in your system, it will show up, it is plain chemistry. Honestly the only way to pass them is just not to do the drugs.

    Thank you for your help, I sure will miss the relaxation and peace of mind from smoking, but I sure do not want to go to the county lockup. I cannot afford to mess up another one, I tried the drinks, but I cannot tell lies well and that would weigh too heavily on my already stressful life. Michelle
  • Apr 4, 2007, 05:14 PM

    Originally Posted by J_9
    Let me ask you this....

    Do you smoke cigarettes? If not, why not? If so, how many a day?

    Yes, sometimes 15 a day
  • Apr 4, 2007, 05:20 PM
    One joint is the same as smoking 20 cigarettes. And just as addictive.

    So, if you smoke 2 joints a day plus your 15 cigarettes, you have just smoked 75 cigarettes.

    Also, do you know about the physical sexual side-effects of marijuana? If you did, you would stay as far away from it as possible.

    So, if you want to stay out of jail and rehab, stay off the illegal substances.
  • Apr 4, 2007, 05:33 PM

    Originally Posted by J_9
    One joint is the same as smoking 20 cigarettes. And just as addictive.

    So, if you smoke 2 joints a day plus your 15 cigarettes, you have just smoked 75 cigarettes.

    Also, do you know about the physical sexual side-effects of marijuana? If you did, you would stay as far away from it as possible.

    So, if you want to stay out of jail and rehab, stay off the illegal substances.

    Thanks again, I currently have no libido(sex drive), so you think smoking does that?
    I thought it was stress, I am currently researching some things like scullcap or valerian root. Do you have any input on that? Michelle
  • Apr 4, 2007, 06:34 PM
    Yes, smoking any drug actually lessens your libido, and can do so permanently if smoked enough.

    The only info I have on the "herbs" you are asking is that they are not always reliable. If you plan on buying over the internet there is no telling what you are actually getting.

    What do you plan on using these for? I may have a better idea.
  • Apr 4, 2007, 07:08 PM
    Hello Michelle:

    With deference to my friend J_9, cigarettes are poison. Pot is not. Nicotine is addictive. THC is not. Cigarettes kill over 350,000 people every year in this country alone. Pot never killed anybody - not one person. If the comparison is to show how dangerous pot is, the comparison is faulty. The most dangerous thing about pot is the trouble you can get into for smoking it.


    PS> Should you smoke when you're subject to a drug test?? Nahh.
  • Apr 4, 2007, 07:34 PM

    Originally Posted by J_9
    Yes, smoking any drug actually lessens your libido, and can do so permanently if smoked enough.

    The only info I have on the "herbs" you are asking is that they are not always reliable. If you plan on buying over the internet there is no telling what you are actually getting.

    What do you plan on using these for? I may have a better idea.

    I had hoped that the natural remedies would help my stress levels, which smoking always did. I currently am the main caregiver to my aunt that is 92, and a chronic complainer. I love her completely, but all the negativity just gets me stressed. I currently have double vision and my equilibrium has been affected by an anneurism, that I had in 1983. Since that time, I usually drank excessive amounts of alcohol. That led to a DUI, hence probation until 2/2008. I am happy to say that I no longer drink, last time was in 5/2005.
    I did graduate from W.V.U. in 1997, but I was not quite so eager to pursue a career on Wall Street. To sum it up... smoking made me happy and able to deal with all my past stressors and current ones. Maybe, I was adding fuel to the fire. I hope, I haven't confused you. Michelle
  • Apr 4, 2007, 08:17 PM

    Originally Posted by J_9
    Yes, smoking any drug actually lessens your libido, and can do so permanently if smoked enough.

    The only info I have on the "herbs" you are asking is that they are not always reliable. If you plan on buying over the internet there is no telling what you are actually getting.

    What do you plan on using these for? I may have a better idea.

    My first reply was erased, but I can quickly sum it up. I would like to find a legal natural remedy for stress. I had an annerism in 1983, which left me with double vision and a lack of a normal equilibrium. I used to drink alcohol excessively, which led to bigger problems. I'm happy to say, no alcohol since 5/2005! The smoking has always relaxed me and I viewed things with "rose colored" glasses. Now, on probation for a DUI, I can't do that. Thanks for your time, Michelle

    sorry, I just saw my first reply, I guess it didn't get erased... and no other drugs are used.
  • Apr 5, 2007, 04:33 AM

    Originally Posted by excon
    Hello Michelle:

    With deference to my friend J_9, cigarettes are poison. Pot is not. Nicotine is addictive. THC is not. Cigarettes kill over 350,000 people every year in this country alone. Pot never killed anybody - not one person. If the comparison is to show how dangerous pot is, the comparison is faulty. The most dangerous thing about pot is the trouble you can get into for smoking it.


    PS> Should you smoke when you're subject to a drug test??? Nahh.

    Thank you for your input, I have made up my mind now, not to try to get away with it.
    I am too nervous to try substitution, I don't think I could get away with it, and I would be in the county lockup. My 92 year old roommate depends on me being here. Michelle
  • Apr 5, 2007, 07:07 AM

    Originally Posted by excon
    Hello Michelle:

    With deference to my friend J_9, cigarettes are poison. Pot is not. Nicotine is addictive. THC is not. Cigarettes kill over 350,000 people every year in this country alone. Pot never killed anybody - not one person. If the comparison is to show how dangerous pot is, the comparison is faulty. The most dangerous thing about pot is the trouble you can get into for smoking it.


    PS> Should you smoke when you're subject to a drug test??? Nahh.

    I know your point Excon, I used to live in Alaska, if that means anything to you. Ever heard of Matanuska Thunder F*** ? I lived in the Mat-Su Valley, and I knew MTF very well, it is nice and sticky and WHITE!! I held on to your beliefs for a very long time. Another one you forgot to mention is that pot is natural, it is a gift from the heavens above. It does not have to be manufactured like tobacco does.

    The comparison is that the smoke inhaled with pot is equal to 20 cigarettes to your lungs. Although there are additives in cigs and not in weed, they both are toxic to your lungs.

    Here are some facts on Marijuana:

    "Other effects associated with the use of marijuane include parmful pulmonary effects (bronchitis), weakening of heart contractions, immunosuppression, and reduction of the serum testosterone level and sperm count." Source, Keltner Fifth Edition.

    These are the effects that relate to 1 joint equals 20 cigarettes.
  • Apr 5, 2007, 08:11 AM
    Hello again, J:

    No, I'm not familiar with that strain. But, it's clear you're reformed pothead. I say that because of your knee jerk reaction to what I said. Thanks for that, because you bring up a very important aspect to the discussion. Plus, your views are widespread, and my job here, is to poke holes in them.

    This being the legal board, although it wouldn't matter, I try to be precise with my use of language. I try to cite fact, not rumor. And, I did. What I cited were facts – Undisputable facts. They weren't my “beliefs”.

    Here are my beliefs, and let me be clear about them, if I haven't been already: Marijuana is a DRUG – a serious drug. It is NOT good for you. It should not be used by children. It SHOULD not be used by adults.

    I did not, nor do I now, dispute your medical information. I do, however, dispute your unstated conclusion, if your conclusion is, that since cigarettes kill, and 1 joint equals 20 cigarettes, then pot must be 20 times as deadly. THAT conclusion is not supported by the facts. Indeed, I don't even believe your statement that 1 joint equals 20 cigarettes is supported by the facts. I daresay, it's a “belief”.

    Nonetheless, let me say again; smoking pot is NOT good for you. But, it doesn't kill you. If it did, I'd think somebody would know about it – especially a medical person such as yourself.

    You also suggest that, because I cite facts, that I am promoting drug use. Nothing could be further from the truth. As a medical person, you should see right through that argument. Do you think sex education PROMOTES sex? I don't. Most right wingers would. I don't think you do. Do you?

    Here's my final belief: In a free society, drug use should be left up to an adult. (Now, most right wingers would think that I just said it's OK to drive when stoned. I didn't.)

    I will close again, with this old and oft used (by me) fact: The most dangerous thing about pot is the trouble you can get into for smoking it. If you can dispute my fact with facts of your own, go for it.

  • Apr 5, 2007, 09:03 AM
    Excon dear, you read me entirely wrong. I am a reformed pot head only because of circumstances. I had my fun with it. Also, you are not familiar with MTF, too bad it can't be sent through the mail, I'd have some sent to you. You would in turn move right to the Mat-Su Valley!!

    My ratio is not a belief it was taught in lecture on substance abuse. Professors in nursing do not teach on beliefs, but rather facts.

    It is objective data that 1 joint = 20 smokes on the respiratory system. This info was presented by Kelley Burg, RN, C, MSN, Director of Nursing.

    It is a fact that it does indeed create complications with the respiratory system. This is the ONLY bodily system I am speaking of.

    Now, it is the easiest of all drugs to detox from, it is the hardest to become totally addicted to. However, although it can be calssified as a hallucinogen, it is also classified as a Central Nervous System Depressant.

    My dear Excon. I did not say you are promoting drug use. And again I am a reformed hippie because of circumstance (chidren and drug tests for school). If I listed the drugs I have used, abused, and/or been addicted to in my lifetime, your chin would drop.

    I am not the ex smoker who chastises everyone who lites up. Quite the opposite actually. I was just pointing out the respiratory effects. You were the one who read between the lines.
  • Apr 5, 2007, 11:12 AM

    Originally Posted by J_9
    My ratio is not a belief it was taught in lecture on substance abuse. Professors in nursing do not teach on beliefs, but rather facts.

    If you really believe this, you are hopelessly naïve. A very large share of the funding for medical education comes from the Federal Government, and this Administration has done everything in its power to propagate outright falsehoods and egregious exaggerations about the supposed dangers of marijuana, and to block attempts to do credible research on the subject. Failure by a faculty member to follow the party line on the subject would quite likely jeopardize the school's Federal grants. The politicization of science (global climate change, stem cell research, drug safety, etc. etc.) by these hacks is right up there with their warmongering on my list of grievances against them.


    Originally Posted by J_9
    It is objective data that 1 joint = 20 smokes on the respiratory system. This info was presented by Kelley Burg, RN, C, MSN, Director of Nursing.

    I'm not sure what you mean by "equals", but if you mean "has the same harmful effects", then we should see similar rates of lung cancer in people who smoke one joint a day as in people who smoke a pack of cigarettes a day. But as you surely know, the data shows no such thing. Here's a link to a summary of recent research that shows that not only does marijuana smoking not cause lung cancer, it may even protect against it.

    Like excon, I am not advocating the use of marijuana or denying that there are some harmful or undesirable effects of using it. But the attempt to discourage its use by exaggerating the danger is bound to be counterproductive in the long run because when people find out (as they surely will) that these supposed dangers are bogus, some will stop believing anything they're told about the dangers of any drug, and disregard all such warnings. Since many drugs are exceedingly dangerous, it is bad policy to exaggerate the dangers associated with those that are relatively benign. It's my opinion (not a fact based on research) that the greatest health risk associated with marijuana is what could happen to you in prison if you get sent there for possessing it.
  • Apr 5, 2007, 11:21 AM
    Wow, OG, just paint me into a corner. I have said before the I am gullable and naïve. However, my texts, not only my professors, show the risks associated with marijuana use as well as my time spent in the hospital.

    Now, I understand that none of you are advocating the use of illegal substances. But I have seen, and experienced, firsthand some of the risks associated with the "abuse" of the drug.

    Occasional use is one thing, abuse is horse of a different color. However, it is best to present the facts to the person who does in fact use occasionally so that they are knowlegable.

    And OG, I totally agree with your option and health risks and prison. That by far is the greatest health risk.

    Well, now, since I provided medical data from texts and have been shot down all over the place since you all have indeed been in classrooms, in hosptials, witnessed people with COPD associated with cigarettes and marijuana. And you do seem to have much more experience in the clinical setting than I do. I will back out of this thread.

    I was only presenting what I have learned and witnessed from textbooks and patients themselves. And since you both have been in clinical settings and have read numerous more texts than I apparently have. I am outa here!!
  • Apr 5, 2007, 11:57 AM
    Well guys I don't know the studies, ( they did not ask me to smoke it to test me) Hey excon where do you sign up for these studies.

    But I did grow up in the 60's and 70's and our idea of buying a bag was a paper grocrey bag full. If you ever watched Chet and Chong movies, where they rolled the joints the size of a cigar, that was it in our days.

    But today I would be terrified to buy any on the street, ( not that I use any more, I have gotten respectable of course) but today they cut or taint it with other things to make it more adictive at times and I don't think "drug dealer" has become one of the more honest professions over the years.

    So I can say that the dangers of it more than anything today is first just dealing with the people you ar buying it from, and the chances of ending up with those matchng braclets the police have for you.

    I have read studies on the medical issues of Pot, both ways, so for that I will say I don't know, but just from the legal aspect that is enough to settle that you should not.

    But again it is obvous from the fact that people drink, they use crack, they use many very dangious drugs, that people have little respect for thierself and bodies or they just would not be using things where there is no debate of its danger to you.

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