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  • Apr 4, 2014, 06:40 AM
    Cat is pregnant or not... what is wrong with her
    My cat is sleeping a lot... she is lazy...
    Sometimes she gets up and runs around the house... she is drinking like normal... she eats but in small portions not as much as she used too... she is getting a little fat around the belly but I don't know if its just fat or babies... her nipples are visible now, they were not visible before and they are also pink... she goes around the house in rooms and meows a lot... she is more affectionate... and she is also hiding in closets and also goes jumps in any closet she finds open... she hides under the bed in a cardboard box sometimes... I took her to the vet he said he can feel something hard but there is no movement... so he's not even sure if she's pregnant or not...
    Please help me and tell me if she is pregnant and how many weeks can she be... and what should I feed her... please give me names of good food for her if she is pregnant...
    Pleaseeeee help...
  • Apr 4, 2014, 06:54 AM
    How can people online know if your cat is pregnant, if your vet can't?
    In general, if you have a female cat who isn't spayed and who gets outside at all, will get pregnant. They can go into heat every 2 weeks or so! Please get her spayed. There are low cost clinics that do nothing else.
  • Apr 4, 2014, 07:08 AM
    I had a male cat who died 2 weeks ago... she is not spayed because I don't want to get her spayed I want kittens and I will keep them with me... so I just want to know if these symptoms suggests she is pregnant...
  • Apr 4, 2014, 07:29 AM
    Yes, some of the symptoms you mentioned suggest pregnancy, especially the nipples and her habits, which indicate she is looking for a 'nest' to have her kitttens. You will have to play the waiting game and see how this develops and assume that she is pregnant and supply her with a box with clean towels in it in a non-accessible place if you have other animals in the house. Pregnant cats are self sufficient, what you are feeding her now is probably all she will ever need. I STRESS self-sufficient.

    Just keep us posted of if you are confused and we will help you out.

    There is no way of telling how far along she is. You could take notes and if and when she starts to deliver you must never ever bother her while she is having her kittens, nor touch them when they are new born.

    If you decide not to get her spayed you will be inundated with cats which is not a healthy lifestyle for you or the cats. I suggest after this litter you her spayed.
  • Apr 4, 2014, 07:36 AM
    This is her first litter and she is my first cat... ive had her since she 2 months old now she's 1 1/5 years old... I really hope she's pregnant and nothing else is wrong with her... I have lined a cardboard box she was sitting in again and again with clothes... please help me through out this process... im happy but stressed I want my cat and her kittens to be absolutely healthy...
  • Apr 4, 2014, 08:35 AM
    We are here if you have questions, of course her due date may not happen for a few weeks yet, as I said, it is a waiting game, but you and she will know when, just don't bother her if she starts to nest, she knows what to do instinctively. Don't be stressed, that causes problems, like too much interaction with her if you are worried about the outcome. Settle down and relax and enjoy this process in nature for an animal that has no preconceived ideas about birthing.
  • Apr 4, 2014, 08:38 AM
    Ok thanks for the support... by the way my cat is a persian punch face and she was crossed with a persian punch face as well both were pure...
  • Apr 4, 2014, 09:20 AM

    Originally Posted by Farwa123 View Post
    Ok thanks for the support... by the way my cat is a persian punch face and she was crossed with a persian punch face as well both were pure...

    Then you should have some lovely kittens !
  • Apr 4, 2014, 11:23 AM
    Here are some links, written just for persians, that might help you. Many people, myself included, have had cats give birth and might be able to answer any other questions you might have. Don't hesitate to ask. It's better to be overly curious than under prepared. | Breeding | Birthing Time Tips | Breeding | How to Prepare a Birthing Box | Breeding | What Are The Stages Of Kitten Development? | Breeding | After the Birth: Moving & Weaning

    Caring for the Pregnant Persian Cat | Divine Caroline

    And some links that apply to all cats.

    The Stages of Feline Labor - When Your Cat Gives Birth

    CatHelp-Online :: Kitten Care 4: Feline Pregnancy and Delivery

    Birth Difficulties Symptoms - Cats | petMD

    Now, for a few general tips for pregnant cats and new mothers.

    - It would not be a bad idea to feed her kitten food during her pregnancy and while she's nursing. Kitten food has more nutrients that the kittens need. As long as they are dependent on their mother, the best way to get them those nutrients is by feeding them to her.

    - Set up a birthing box, and more than one if possible, in secluded areas that she likes to frequent. Line it with newspaper or towels that she can shred and nest in. Newspaper actually works better because she can shred it and pile it however you want, and you can just throw it away after the birth.

    - It is common for cats to stop labor if they feel threatened or otherwise unsafe. It can last up to a full day, and is no cause for concern as long as she isn't showing signs of distress. Because of that, you'll want to leave her alone during labor unless she makes it clear she wants your company.

    - The commonly sited rule is that you're supposed to avoid being around her while she gives birth. That isn't always true. Many cats will go off and find a hidden place to give birth, and they shouldn't be bothered. Some cats actually want their humans around, and will choose a birthing place that is more open and nearby. Basically, just let her pick her spot and use that to gauge what she wants and needs. The more secluded and hidden, the less interaction you should give.

    - Cats almost always give birth at night. You may not even know it's happened until a day or two later. If she suddenly disappears, don't panic. Mother cats only leave their kittens long enough for trips to the litter box and food/water dish for the first several days. If you suddenly don't see her for a day or two, she might be hidding somewhere with her kittens.

    - Do not move the kittens. Mother cats will almost always put their babies somewhere they feel is safe. As long as you know where they are and can check on them to make sure they're healthy and growing during the first couple weeks, the only time you should move them is if the location is unsafe.

    - Find a way to block off underneath appliances and furniture. As soon as the kittens are mobile, they will climb under them. A kitten that crawls under the stove or gets into the lining underneath furniture is more likely to be injured or killed. Something as simple as a rolled up towel will work just fine.

    - At about four weeks, start providing the kittens with their own food and water dishes. Saucers work best, so they can reach the contents without straining. Put them next to their mom's, because they will learn by example. Don't expect them to really eat or drink much at first, and don't be upset if mom eats their food. They really just need the chance to explore it. Dry food will be too hard for them to chew, so you can add a little bit of water to it to make a mush.

    - Do something similar with a litter box. They'll need a low pan that they can get in without having to climb or jump. Put just enough litter in it to cover the bottom, and put it next to mom's. Don't expect them to use it at first, and don't be upset if you see them eating some of the litter. Just like toddlers, everything goes in their mouth to see if it's food. Check several times a day and clean out any mess that might be in it, and replace the litter daily, to make sure it's always as clean and safe as possible for exploration.

    - After she gives birth, mom won't want to leave the babies for very long. Make sure her food, water, and litter box are nearby. Put the food and water as close as possible, since she'll need them more often. The litter box just needs to be in the same room, or possibly a neighboring room.
  • Apr 4, 2014, 11:31 AM
    Oh, and PLEASE get your cat, and all the kittens, fixed. Male kittens reach sexual maturity at around five months. Females mature a bit later. Cats don't care about familial ties, and a male will mate with any female in heat. If you don't get them all fixed, you'll end up with a bunch of inbred cats with health problems.

    The world has way more unwanted pets than people willing and able to give them homes. Adding to that problem by allowing pets to breed unchecked is not only irresponsible, but also cruel to the animals. Unwanted kittens end up either as strays with very short life spans, or in shelters where the life expectancy is even less. Do not rely on finding homes for all the kittens every time a litter is born, because it won't happen. Get the girls fixed, to prevent kittens you don't want and can't care for. Get the boys fixed to prevent spraying, which is a nearly impossible smell to get rid of.

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