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  • Mar 14, 2014, 06:07 AM
    Where do I turn?
    OK. I'm sorry if this makes anyone feel bad I'm just looking for help. Sorry. I'm a 16 yea old girl, and well, I have strong urges to hurt myself ( which I currently do) or even kill myself. I know I need to talk to some one but my parents say it makes them feel guilty and to not speak of it, I've tried talking to friends but they've called me an attention whore and not spoken to me since, and I don't have access to counselors ect. So yeah. Any ideas? I'm desperate, I can't keep going on in silence.
  • Mar 14, 2014, 06:19 AM
    You don't have councelors in your school? What country do you live in... perhaps knowing that.. someone can recommend where you might be able to get help.
  • Mar 14, 2014, 06:26 AM
    There are always better options than hurting or killing yourself, and a trusted adult, be they a church member, teacher, or even an adult relative you have confidence in speaking with. Those are good options. Often when people hurt themselves or have suicidal thoughts a doctor can help too, as this may be medical in nature as a root cause for your conflicts.

    So what's going on in your own life as far as events that leads you to these very bad options you have now? Often we inflict pain when we are in pain, so what's the cause of your pain? Can you express it?
  • Mar 14, 2014, 06:26 AM
    What part of the world do you live in?
    Your parents are the key to all this - although it's understandable that they get defensive when a child they raised needs emotional help, it's not excusable to react the way they have done. Is there a relative or favorite teacher who might talk to them for you?
    Too many people think that anyone who is openly admitting to feeling suicidal is just an 'attention whore' and isn't going to actually do anything. NOT TRUE, statistically.

    Anyway, is there anyone who you feel close to who can talk to your parents? Leave your friends out of this, because they are powerless to help, and that just makes people frustrated and angry.

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