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  • Jan 20, 2014, 05:03 AM
    Music audition spreadsheet and charts
    Our symphony holds auditions. The next one will be on percussion instruments, and will have 50 candidates. During a three-day process, they will be winnowed down to one or two. They will perform many excerpts from repertoire, each lasting less than a minute. I would like to score each performance in three ways: Technique, Sound, Musicianship. The total running score will determine who advances. After the audition, I would like to offer feedback to individual candidates. The simple running totals are not useful. I would like to tell Candidate B, for example, how s/he scored against "average", and in comparison with the highest and lowest IN EACH INSTRUMENT, EACH OF THE THREE CRITERIA and EACH EXCERPT. Some sort of graphic display would suffice, so the candidate could tell, for example, how s/he scored, and compared, in xylophone sound, or cymbal technique, as well as simply cumlatively against the field. I have enquired in a limited way amongst colleagues, and have not found anything as detailed (and potentially very useful) available. Thank you.
  • Jan 20, 2014, 08:27 AM
    Why not give the spreadsheet (minus names) to the candidate?
  • Jan 21, 2014, 08:05 AM
    If you mock up your sample layout with 3-4 sample sets of candidate results, then mockup a sheet manually showing the results you'd like to automate from that simple sample data, I may be able to move that along for you.

    To add a workbook, click GO ADVANCED and use the paperclip icon.
  • Mar 24, 2014, 03:10 PM
    Thank you for responding... I was unable to use ASK ME correctly and didn't see your answer. We held auditions, and my crude spreadsheet helped Me, at least. I have seen quite a bit of interest from colleagues, and will be wanting to refine and streamline much of the process. I am using a Mac with about 4 gig of RAM, but would frequently get an OUT OF MEMORY crash, possibly because there were so many formulas in cells. If you are still interested in helping me, I will send a "small" sample as you requested. Thank you. John
  • Mar 25, 2014, 07:43 AM
    Sure, whatever you need.

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