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  • Jan 15, 2014, 07:29 AM
    How long does drontal plus take to work
    My 7 month Goldendoodle was just diagnosed with whip worm. I was five none dose of Drontal plus. I gave it to her last night with her dinner. She was hyper all evening and asked to go out every 10 minutes and peed. She settled down and went in her crate about 11:30 and then asked to go out at 3:30 when she had a small loose stool, but had a hard time going. She doesn't get more treatment for 3 weeks when I have 2 powders to mix with her food for 3 days. When should she pass the worms from this first dose of drontal?
  • Jan 28, 2014, 12:54 AM
    In many cases the worms are digested and you won't see them pass but I wouldn't be surprised if they show up in feces shortly.

    Be sure to reworm two weeks after her first worming. As good as Drontal Plus is, it doesn't kill the immature roundworms. These babies will have matured in two weeks, however, when the second dose of Drontal Plus will kill them.
  • Jan 28, 2014, 06:45 PM
    Josh - the OP is speaking about a different type of worm. Whipworms and Roundworms are two different types of intestinal worms.
    You may not see any worms in the stool. Whipworms (not roundworms) are rarely seen in the stool, even after deworming (they are often just digested by the body when they die). If they do come out in the stool they look like teeny threads, basically.

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