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  • Jan 2, 2014, 03:56 PM
    Irregular periods for two and a half years and no period for 6 months
    I started dieting ( low carb diet) in July 2011 I was 78 kgs (I'm 161 cms) and my period stopped but I didn't care then, but after missing my period for about a year
    I went to a doctor in September 2012 I was then 61 kgs and stopped my diet , he told me to take cycloprogynova for 21 days ad wait for my period to come, then after it
    Came I had my hormones tested, everything was fine, he suggested that I take this medidcine again and try to lose some weight and do those tests afterwards again, but
    I decided to wait and see if my period would come again on its own, it came a month and a half later for 2 days and it wasn't as heavy as it used to be but it came
    Regularly until June 2013, then it stopped ( Note: during that year( since September 2012 till June 2013 I gained 9 kgs and became 70 kgs(I'm still 70 since then,
    I started exercising in June but not too much, because I wanted to lose the weight and that's when it stopped, I stopped exercising but it didn't come back, I'm also
    Anemic but I don't know if this has anything to do with my missed periods, I've been anemic since I was about 13, I'm 19 now.
    That's it, I just want to know what I should do. Thanks for you time.
  • Jan 3, 2014, 09:06 PM
    There are numerous reasons for an irregular period... my periods have always been irregular. A dr. told me I have PCOS, Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrom... it messes with the hormones which causes: 1) irregular periods; 2) cysts; 3) weight gain or very difficult to lose weight; 4) insulin resistant (my body doesn't use it's own insulin to create energy)...

    I started taking a supplement called Garcinia Cambogia and have been regular for the past 9 months. I have also been able to lose 50 pounds (which before it didn't matter how I exercised or ate I couldn't lose).

    It might be worth checking into for you...
  • Jan 6, 2014, 01:17 PM
    I would go with your doctor's advice. As well take the iron supplements and alter your diet to deal with your anemia. If you're losing blood monthly and not replacing your iron then you're going to be anemic and if you don't have enough building blocks for new blood then that could could irregular periods.

    Talk to and follow the guidelines from your doctor. They've got a lot more experience then we do.

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