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  • Nov 29, 2013, 08:37 AM
    Do you think it's cheating for me to be in a sub/dom relationship through kik
    My boyfriend and I have been together for two years but recently he's been very distant from me. Im very lonely. I am submissive and my boyfriend would never dominate me which doesn't usually bug me but since I'm lonely I just need someone to pay attention to me. Is it wrong for me to have a sub/dom relationship on kik? For me it's like porn. No emotions, just for getting off. I don't exchange pictures and don't even know the doms name. Am I cheating?
  • Nov 29, 2013, 08:41 AM
    In a nutshell...yes, that's cheating.
  • Nov 29, 2013, 08:45 AM
    I don't call it cheating but others in monogamous relationships might. You are participating mentally, not physically, but it is addictive, so my advice is end this participation and think of other ways to communicate your needs with your b/f. If he won't dominate, then he is submissive as well. I don't see this as a satisfactory sexually satisfying relationship, which falls short in other areas as well.

    Time you both sat down and sorted this out so it all works properly!
  • Nov 29, 2013, 08:52 AM
    Personally, I consider it cheating if you interact with another person without discussing and setting boundaries with your partner/boyfriend/spouse. If the person you are in a relationship with doesn't know, then you have crossed a boundary line.

    Playing games with other people will not solve the issues in your relationship. You need to sit down with your boyfriend and talk about what is going on. Learn why he seems distant. Find out if he is under a lot stress you haven't been aware of or realized how deeply it was affecting him. Look at ways the two of you can work together to get through this rough patch.

    Frankly, if you are not getting your needs met in the relationship and he doesn't share your inclinations, then as much as you may love him he may not be a suitable match for you.
  • Nov 29, 2013, 10:59 AM
    Yes its cheating if you don't talk it over with your partner first. If you cannot express yourself to your own partner, why are you even calling whatever you are doing a relationship in the first place?

    It's cheating and sneaky. And distracting from your REAL issues.
  • Dec 2, 2013, 04:46 PM
    Homegirl 50
    If you are having problems with your boyfriend, the thing to do is communicate your needs and talk about solutions.
    Would the thing you are thinking about be cheating? If your boyfriend doesn't know about it because you are keeping it from him, you are cheating.

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