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  • Oct 9, 2013, 09:50 PM
    Help me understand
    My father died a year ago as of Monday. I dreamed about him almost a week ago. This dream I was being bad and there is a spot on my neck where it tickles so much I can't move and lock up. Well in my dream he was upset with me and came and grabbed my neck. At that exact moment I jolted awake because someone literally touched me. No one was there and everyone in my house was asleep and very far away from me. I couldn't shake the feeling of someone had touched me. But it wasn't a good feeling. Then tonight I had just cut out my light and rolled over on my stomach to go to sleep. I had my feet shoulder length apart. All of the sudden I felt someone sit in between them. When I jerked away and looked I could've sworn I saw an indent slowly lift as if someone was getting up. Please help me understand this. I have had many encounters with the paranormal in many places, but never at our new apartment which we have been in for almost a year.
  • Oct 10, 2013, 03:14 PM
    What other encounters have you had? This one may be more related to those than that of your father passing.
  • Oct 10, 2013, 03:50 PM

    Originally Posted by hauntinghelper View Post
    What other encounters have you had? This one may be more related to those than that of your father passing.

    Well I've had many different ones. In savannah I have seen and felt a lot of different things. At my old house I was contacted by an old civil war soldier named Charlie. He often came to me in my dreams and he said he would protect me. Charlie would often mess around too and do funny mischievous things like open my closet door or turn my TV on and off. It freaked my friends out some. One week with him I had these very vivid nightmares of a demon choking me and things. Charlie appeared in every dream and saved me from him. Finally Charlie one night fought him off. Every night with these dreams I would jolt awake feeling like I was choking but no one was there. I also once had a scratch on my neck after one. After this, Charlie never reappeared. Also the night my father died he came and gave me a hug. I saw his spirit appear in the room and he came and gave me a hug before he disappeared. My girlfriend could feel it as she was beside me, but couldn't see it. And now the past week I had the one dream and then I jolted awake by someone touching my neck. Then last night not even asleep someone sat on my bed and then slowly got up.
  • Oct 11, 2013, 11:49 AM
    Yeah, again, I believe 100% this has nothing to do with your father and more to do with spirits manifesting their presence to you.
  • Oct 11, 2013, 12:47 PM

    Originally Posted by hauntinghelper View Post
    Yeah, again, I believe 100% this has nothing to do with your father and more to do with spirits manifesting their presence to you.

    So what does this mean for me? I've dealt with this all my life but never really questioned it.
  • Oct 12, 2013, 01:29 PM
    It means you have a spirit or spirits that are rather attached to you. They are not here to comfort you, but to deceive you. Maybe you need to start questioning things. If you ever see Charlie again... speak to him.

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