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  • Sep 17, 2013, 06:42 AM
    I think I want to break up with my boyfriend...
    I've been with my boyfriend for almost a year now but the first 6 months he was working out of town. We moved in when he got back and things haven't been well. Certain things he does that I thought I could handle I can't. We fight often, almost everyday. He likes to drink, and I rarely drink anymore, and when he drinks he gets to the point were his words are slurred and he's very easy to make upset. He also likes to drink when hea upset. We argue a lot when he drinks and he won't drop the argument, instead making it last for hours to the point where I am physically sick and throwing up (or close to it). I was born with stomach problems and stress itself can make me sick. He complains about doing any work around the house, if he does anything its like pulling teeth. Or he'll tell me he'll do something but he never does it. I work a full-time and part-time job yet still come home and clean up like everyday cause he doesn't do anything but leave a mess. I do most of the yard work (even cut the grass with some hand cutters cause he didn't cut it and I couldn't use the mower)
    My boyfriend is 27 and I am 21. I haven't ever really been attracted to him but he treated me really well when we met and chased after me for 5 months. I finally gave in and I was happy with him for a while...
    I've noticed for the last couple months that the fighting is getting worse and he knows it makes me sick but he still can't discuss anything with me by just talking. I'm extremely stressed and I've been more sick then usual. Sometimes ill hangout with my friends and ill be happy till I see a text or call from him. If I go out and miss some calls from him he'll get really pissed and either leave me a mean message or send a text.
    I have grown to love him but I'm not happy and I keep saying and hoping things will get better but I'm afraid they won't. I stayed in a bad relationship were my ex yelled at me almost every day and I grew up with my parents always yelling and arguing, so sometimes I feel like I can handle it. Sometimes I feel like that's how every relationship is... until I see my friends with their boyfriends and they are so happy. They talk about their disagreements instead of yelling and I want that.
    I met this guy about a month ago and he's super sweet and I'm always happy when we hangout. I'm very attracted to him and he's closer to my age. For a while before I met him I've had these feelings about wanting to leave my boyfriend but now it's even more. I feel like I still love my boyfriend, but I'm not happy and I feel like feeling this way about another guy isn't fair to my current boyfriend.
    I don't know how to get out of this relationship though and I'm so confused because he does tell me he loves me and misses me and I feel like he really does but then things get so bad and I cry and want out so bad. I'm kind of afraid of breaking up with him cause he'll be really angry and will most likely yell and call me every name in the book. Please help me I feel like crying when I think about it and I'm so stressed. Also I don't know what would be the easiest lest stressful way to breakup?
  • Sep 17, 2013, 06:49 AM
    If you are physically sick over this relationship, it's time to get out of it. I don't see any love in it.

    You live together. What would be the logistics of leaving him? It's his apartment, or what? Do you have a safe place to go?
  • Sep 17, 2013, 06:53 AM
    We live in a house but everything is under my name. My lease isn't over till the end of January though, would I be able to break my lease?
  • Sep 17, 2013, 06:55 AM

    Originally Posted by Flick92 View Post
    We live in a house but everything is under my name. My lease isn't over till the end of January tho, would I be able to break my lease?

    What does the agreement say? Have you talked with the landlord? If you can't get out of the lease (usually there is some way, though), evict this boyfriend?
  • Sep 17, 2013, 06:59 AM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    What does the agreement say? Have you talked with the landlord? If you can't get out of the lease (usually there is some way, though), evict this boyfriend?

    I am planning on calling my landlord soon, and if I can get out of my lease I can hopefully stay with some family. If I can't though I can't afford the rents/bills all on my own
  • Sep 17, 2013, 07:04 AM

    Originally Posted by Flick92 View Post
    I am planning on calling my landlord soon, and if I can get out of my lease I can hopefully stay with some family. If I can't tho I can't afford the rents/bills all on my own

    Right now, be proactive and find out the nitty-gritty regarding the house and if you can get out of the rental agreement. You might have to pay an extra month (borrow money to do that?) or work out something with the landlord. Check with family and who you will be able to move in with and how soon.

    Do you have a lot of furniture or possessions that have to be moved? Will family members help with that?

    Do your research now and get things set up, and know what choices you have so you can get out of this horrible situation.
  • Sep 17, 2013, 01:04 PM
    I wish
    Evicting him can get messy and I'm worry for you. I suggest you call your landlord for sure and see what type of arrangement you can work out. Know your options first before making a decision. Either way, for sure do not renew the lease so that you have a way out of this mess.

    There's really no point for you to drag out this pain and suffering. You're just taking time away from being happy.

    In terms of the new guy, I would hold of any new potential relationships/dates until you sort out this mess.
  • Sep 17, 2013, 01:10 PM
    One of my BILs is a landlord. He says he would move you into another of his units, an apartment or a different house. Check into that possibility.

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