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  • Mar 27, 2007, 07:06 AM
    Tell what to do?
    My problem is that I love aguy but we broke up and now the problem is that I can't get him out of my mind am always thinking about him don't know why I can't even sleep... am thinking about why it all finshed etc... can anyone tell me how can I get him back or how can I get him out of my mind today I called him but he canceled my call 2 3 time what is this my GOD am upset tell me something... please!
  • Mar 27, 2007, 07:09 AM
    Tell us a bit more, why did you break up etc? Who did the breaking up and why.

    In the mean time its time to concentrate on yourself and not the past. Keep yourself busy and active - do not sit around moping or it will make things worse. Do exercise if you don't already, go party and spend time with your friends.

    Please give him space and do not contact him or you will push him away further!!
  • Mar 27, 2007, 07:13 AM
    As Jiser said, can you give more information on why the breakup happened as far as you know.

    Other than this, the best advice I normally give that worked well for me is the following:

    Your ex will be in your head 24-7 for quite some time to come. This is a huge loss for you! What you must do now to help yourself heal from this loss is to:


    2.) Keep yourself busy, go to the gym, take up an old hobby, spend time with friends and relatives, whatever.. Try to avoid alcohol where possible (it won't help)

    3.)Try not to dwell on the past too much, focus on what you can do for yourself to improve you, as a person. Perhaps you have lost part of who you were before you met her. Try to establish what this was and get it back.
  • Mar 27, 2007, 08:22 AM
    Don't torture yourself by contacting him. I have been there, it hurts like hell. It is like being dumped over and over again, having someone cancel your calls etc. Don't give him the satisfaction of your attention. If I could go back, I wouldn't give any of my exes the time of day to be honest. Best to leave him be, if he wants to contact you he will : )
  • Mar 28, 2007, 07:05 AM
    Thanks wap your answer satisfied me a lot... u know I text him tw0 time and said sorry to him but no response I don't know why guys do this thing... even when its his fault I accept his sorry and talked to him as before :(anyway I will not contact him again it hurts a lot...
  • Mar 28, 2007, 07:21 AM
    I don't know why guys act that way sono. It really hurts. My ex hung up the phone on me, way away back in September. I never called him after that.
  • Mar 28, 2007, 07:25 AM
    where did i go wrong
    Go nc, its works really well if you stick to it...
    Basically it takes all the pressure off you...
    The first few days/weeks are pretty tough, but if you keep nc up, 2 things will happen, you will start to realise that he probably wasn't as great as you thought... and/or he will start to miss you and maybe want to sort things out...
    NC is so important at this stage, it gives you the clarity you need, trust me I'm going through the same thing, I broke NC and it made me feel like crap
  • Mar 28, 2007, 07:35 AM
    <<u know I text him tw0 time and said sorry to him>>

    Sorry to him for what?
    What was the breakup about? Perhaps he has a good reason not to be in contact with you.

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