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  • Mar 27, 2007, 03:45 AM
    I cant get pregnant
    Ive been trying for four months now to get pregnant and each month it never happen's. Im 20 and my partner is 22. Im just worried in case there is something wrong with me and if I can ever get pregnant.
  • Mar 27, 2007, 05:28 AM
    Hi chic, It depends on the cycle of your body,when u have a period it releases an egg and depending where u are on your cycle depends on whether url catch? It can take sum women 2yrs+ 2 catch every women is different? But if u are worried u and your partner should go docs and get checked for cylmedia?? U never no hun Love jessica XxXXx
  • Mar 27, 2007, 05:45 AM

    You have only just begun trying. It takes many women a year or more of "trying" before they become pregnant. You have only begun to scratch the surface.

    See, there is a certain amount of stress related to "trying" to become pregnant. Our bodies do not like stress, thefore, becoming pregnant is harder. It is the gals who are not trying to get pregnant that actually do get pregnant the first time, and those that try, and count their days, and stress near their periods, they are the ones that have a hard time.

    Relaxation is the key, just relax and enjoy trying.
  • Mar 27, 2007, 07:24 AM
    It takes most healthy couples up to 12 months of trying to conceive before medical intervention is suggested. Basically I would suggest that you and your partner get check ups, to make sure that everything is in working order, and you can stop the internal blame game that most people start to play when trying to conceive. " whats wrong with me that I can't get pregnant. am I doing something wrong. Is my guy doing something wrong?" Remember most of the important developments in the baby take place before you even know you are pregnant, so be prepared. If you aren't treating your body like you are pregnant(no drinking, smoking, etc) now is the time to start. Make sure you get on prenatal vitamins, or at least some folic acid. (though prenatals cover folic acid, and many other vitamins too, so I recommend them more) This way your body will be prepared for when you do get pregnant, and you can be sure that you are giving baby, and your own body, the best start to pregnancy. You can buy ovulation predictor kits at the store. You can also start charting your basal body temps ( these will help you pinpoint more closely when you are ovulating, and therefore the times that intercourse will be more likely to yield a pregnancy. Having sex every other day during the week of ovulation will help increase the chances, as having sex every day can deplete the sperm amounts that are going in. After intercourse, it has been suggested that laying in bed for 20 minutes after, with your hips slightly elevated on a pillow will help to make sure they have a better chance at getting to where they need to go. And perhaps one of the most important tools... RELAXING. Stress can deter your efforts in trying to conceive, so just try to relax and enjoy the process. Keep it fun, and enjoyable. Good luck
  • Mar 28, 2007, 02:24 AM
    Can you have periods and still be pregnant?
    I was just wondering if you can have periods and still be pregnant? Is this true?
  • Mar 28, 2007, 02:30 AM
    Please check out the following link:

    Pregnancy Resource: Periods During Pregnancy
  • Mar 28, 2007, 02:50 AM
    Im confused.
    I don't really know how to explain this but I'm going ot try!
    I was having regular periods for many years, about 7 months ago I stopped having periods for 3-4 months. I took a test when I was 2 weeks late to see if I was pregnant and the first one came up positive. Then a week later I was slighty bleeding but little pink dots then the next day was a little bit more, I was confused with what was going on so I took another test and it came up positive again but I wasn't convinced so I went to my doctor at a clinic and they checked me out took blood tests, urine samples etc and they all came up negative. So I got told I might have p.c.o (polysictic overies) I found out I haven't got that. I still wasn't having periods for another 2 motnhs after that but I wasn't feeling nausea or anything so I put it down to stress. Then 3-4 months later I had a period and it was so heavy-it was much more heavier then normal and lasted for 6-7 days which was unusual for me. I just put that down to not having a period for 3-4 months. Now I have been having regualr periods for 4-5 months now but my periods are still really heavy and the pains I get when I'm on are horrible. Im always feeling tired now which I never use to, and when I wake up in the morning I feel really nausea but don't actually be sick. Im always needing the loo (wee) and around my period time I eat so much and I never use to. Do you think this is all happening because I'm stress? Because 3 months before all this happened I moved in with my boyfriend quite far away from my family was trying to find a job and having to cope with things that have been going on in my life.
  • Mar 28, 2007, 06:58 AM
    Hello… Ok I know how you feel; my husband and I have been trying for 6 months now and still no success. It's really hard when people tell you not to worry because it's so easy to sit and think about it all day. I know others on this site have mentioned that it can take up to a year for a normal couple to conceive, and it's true. If you have been on the birth control bill it can take longer depending on how long you have been taking it. My best advise it to relax and enjoy the experience no matter how long it takes. I know it can be really stressful thinking about it all the time and wondering if this month is the month, but try and keep yourself occupied with something else.

    Also try looking into ovulation kits so you can better pinpoint your ovulation time and therefore narrow down the best time to conceive. I have been using a saliva ovulation kit and it's been working for me. Its called Ovatel and it's a small microscope that you add a dab of saliva to in order to examine it. When you're ovulating or just before, your saliva when dry forms a fern like pattern so you know this is the best time to start baby making. I probably made it sound more complicated then it is, but its worth you looking into it or another kit that would be useful for you. Another thing I liked about it was that its reusable so I can use it next time I'm thinking about getting pregnant. Here is the site that you can look at. And remember try and relax and enjoy the baby making experience!!
  • Mar 28, 2007, 07:15 AM
    I think it is time to get a second opinion. Go to a different doctor and tell them your situation. It is very rare that a pregnancy test will give you a false positive result, much less two.when you finally did start to bleed, did you pass any tissue with it? I am not going to give much advice here, because I feel only your doctor can tell you for sure what is going on, and I don't want to cause unneeded confusion or distress. From the sounds of it there are a lot of strange things happening to your body right now, and painful ones too. Definitely something that you need to talk to your doctor about, and since the doctor you have been seeing doesn't seem to have answers for you, I would suggest getting a second opinion, and soon. Please make an appointment, and let us know how it goes. Good luck
  • Mar 28, 2007, 09:04 PM
    There's not a lot you can do. Most couples get pregnant with in a year of trying and if you don't you should ses a doctor and get your insides checked out. Guy and girl both. Until that time, Try and stay active and eat right, studies show that those who have a BMI (and you can use a BMI calculator to find out what yours is) with a BMI between 20-30 are more likely to get pregnant, but over 25 is considered overwieght, so I would aim under that, but under 20 is not really healthy so that also would be bad. Also take a daily vitamine and a zinc and folic acid one also, they help.

    And this might sound gross but try and aim that your boyfriend "finishs" inside you, with you on bottom. Directly after try placeing a pillow or to under your butt and hips to elevate your pelvious for about 15 minutes in order to help the spermies swim to the egg.


    Good luck!
  • Mar 29, 2007, 02:40 AM
    Yes you can have periods whilst pregnant I had 3 periods before I found out I was expecting you should take a pregnancy test if you think you are pregnant.
  • Mar 29, 2007, 02:46 AM
    While it is not typical, it is not uncommon to have a few periods in early pregnancy. If you think you are pregnant, and you are bleeding, you need to see your doctor to see if this is normal for you.
  • Mar 31, 2007, 02:15 PM

    Originally Posted by Cottonbud
    Ive been trying for four months now to get pregnant and each month it never happen's. Im 20 and my partner is 22. Im just worried incase there is something wrong with me and if i can ever get pregnant.

    Don't worry about it.. usually if you try too hard it don't happen.. my 18 year old friend has been trying for a year almost and she still isn't pregnant.. so don't worry there is nothing wrong with you
  • May 2, 2007, 04:16 AM
    I still cant get pregnant
    I can't get pregnant still, me and my boyfriend have been trying for 6 months now. Im trying not to think about it but its just always on my mind. We are both young I'm 20 and my boyfriend is 22 we don't drink or smoke. Could I not be getting pregnant because I am fat? (im a size 18 in clothes) I think there is something wrong with me. Also I would like advice on How to find out if my boyfriend is shooting blanks or if its to do with me? Please help!!
  • May 2, 2007, 07:20 AM
    Help me
  • May 2, 2007, 07:48 AM
    Honey, you need to see your doctor.

    Six months is not that long a time to be Trying to conceive, but your doctor should know that you are trying, and may be able to give you some pointers.

    As far as whether your boyfriend is shooting blanks, you would need to have tests done by a doctor to determine that.

    I know it's hard to try to relax, and to NOT think about it. Telling someone not to think of a pink elephant immediately brings a pink elephant to mind! But you do need to relax and not stress about it. Stressing will make it harder to conceive than anything else will.

    You have plenty of time. Just try to enjoy the "practicing" and have fun with trying to get pregnant, and stop focusing so much on the goal :)

    See you doctor, though. She will be able to help you, personally, more than anyone on the internet could.

    Good luck! Happy trying!
  • May 2, 2007, 08:35 AM
    Sweety, you just posted at the end of march about this same thing. Have you taken the advice give you then, and seen your doctor yet? Remember we told you that it takes up to 12 months for most healthy couple to conceive before it is suggested that they seek medical intervention. Weight can make it a bit more difficult to conceive, but not always. Mainly the problem I can see here is you stressing over this. Go see your doctor, take your vitamins, and try your best to relax, and go with the flow. It is way too early to be worrying over "who's fault it is" etc.Just relax, take your time. Get to the doctor, so you can get your pre-conception check up, and have your boy friend get a physical done as well to make sure you are both in good health. Then if you still aren't pregnant by 12 months, then you can go to the doctors and seek advice on fertility help. Good luck
  • May 14, 2007, 05:50 AM
    Could I be pregnant?
    Could I be pregnant? I am 3 weeks late, I've got thick yellow discharge and my stomach is constantly hurting(its not period pains). My boobs have seem to got a bit bigger but I don't know if that is just me.
  • May 14, 2007, 05:55 AM
    If you are having sex there is always a risk of being pregnant.

    That said, you do not mention your age or any possible methods of birth control. These are two very important factors.

    You are 3 weeks late and haven't taken a HPT yet? It would probably be in your best interest to do so using first morning urine. If it is positive, you will need a doctor's appointment for a prenatal screening. If it is negative, you will need a doctor's appointment for a pregnancy blood test and to find out why this is happening to you.
  • Jul 4, 2007, 03:22 AM
    Why is getting pregnant so hard
    Me and my partner really want a baby, We have been trying for 8-9 months now and still nothing. I know people say stress and thinking about it can make it harder but I don't feel stressed. When we have sex I always go to the loo after, can that be making me not get pregnant?

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