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  • Aug 11, 2013, 01:10 PM
    Bird Mites
    I am from Mumbai, India. My home is infested with bird mites since last many months. We threw out all furniture and sprayed cypermethrin on all the walls of the home. No respite. Here in India, the Pest control companies do not have much knowledge of bird mites. Hence I have been up to search on Google, every night, all night.
    My question is to Catsmine-
    Is a solution of boric acid and water effective to get rid of these pests. We do not get borax off the shelf here. And many fumigants like Talstar P too are not available.
    Can you suggest an effective home remedy to kill these bird mites?
    We live in an apartment housing 22 homes and none of the other families have experienced any such problem. The mites are in our clothes and now in my car too. Yes I can see tiny specks flying, almost white in colour against the black interiors of my car.
    Does burning sulphur powder get rid of the mites? Can it choke them?
    Please give some home remedies and alternative miticides which can be used as fumigants.
  • Aug 11, 2013, 03:04 PM
    Many of the do-it-yourself sites mention vinegar to kill off the mites in living areas, mopping floors and washing walls with vinegar diluted to 1% Acetic acid, (which is the acid in vinegar). Distilled white vinegar runs about 3%.

    Burning sulfer is probably as hazardous to you and your neighbors as it is to the mites. Before resorting to any smokes or fumigants, make sure you have removed the source of the mites. It doesn't have to be a full-fledged nest, a buildup of leaves where birds have rested can be a harborage. Check the gutters and any vents for such accumulations. Your landlord should be willing to help you search, if only to prevent the mites from spreading.

    Good hunting and good luck.
  • Aug 11, 2013, 03:23 PM
    Hi Catsmine,
    Thanks for the prompt reply.
    I did not mention in my query that with the help of the pest control people, we have fumigated with sulphur powder once, but we had all the furniture and wood panelling in the house then. I guess they had plenty of place to hide in. We shall try spraying white vinegar all over. Will it help to also spray with a solution of boric powder and water mix? If yes what should be the proportion of the mix?

    I have also read of making adding a few drops of tea tree oil to isopropyl alcohol and spraying it all over. Does this work?

    Shall keep you posted on the results after spraying and washing with vinegar.

  • Aug 11, 2013, 03:42 PM
    The question remains: have you found and disposed of the source? If so, you should already be seeing results. If not, nothing will provide more than momentary relief.

    On people, rubbing alcohol does as well as anything to relieve itching.

    Twice you have mentioned a Boric Acid solution. Most pesticide manufacturers have gone away from Boric Acid in their liquid products as the Borate salts are more effective. In the dry form it remains a very effective stomach poison, but in solution not so much.

    Also note I have not mentioned using a spray once. With bird mites a sponge is a much more effective application tool. The most thorough coverage you can perform will be just barely enough.

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