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  • Aug 4, 2013, 07:46 PM
    Custody of little brother
    Okay, I would like to get custody of my step brother. Hes not going in a way in his life and he's only 14. His father only buys his love, drinks heavily, hits him on occasion, and lets him do as he pleases which has ended my brother being on drugs drinkimg and getting a girl pregnant. Our mom can't afford to take care of him and can't control him either. She lives with her mother BC her job doesn't pay enough, my little brother walks all over our mom and our Grandma to the point where the cops have had to be called. My mom is very depressed and threatens to kill her self when were she gets up set out isn't on her pills. My brother was resently arrester for having nude pics on his phone and pot in his back pack, he's not doing very well in school BC he's not getting the help he needs or the support he needs from either of his parents. I've all ways been the one there for him. Helped him with homework, taught him how to cook and have tried to teach him how to make good choises, but
    His parents just push him aside. Im 21, married to a solder, and have been the only one he listens to. I want what's best for my brother, if I gained xustody of him he would have his own room, a better school on post, full medical covage, he would be away from drugs and gains that are aroumd his parents house and are in the school he when to, could get into ROTC (an after school program that introducese kids to the military) that he's so passionate about going into. My husband and I can offer a stable, functioning, emotionally healthy house hold where he don't have to worry about if good will be on the table, or worrying if his dads drinking is going to cause a fighting match that ends with the police coming to the house. So in the end what shot do we have of getting custody of him?
  • Aug 5, 2013, 06:32 AM
    His father and mother would have to agree to you taking him guardianship or adoption. IF they are not agreeable to that you would have to prove direct abuse. The dad having the son on drugs is about the most you have going for you. Then too, you have to realize what you are taking on. This boy is going to continue the way he is going and you are going to have a real challenge
    Many kids grow up in homes like this and CPS often won't take kids unless it is worse than the norm.
  • Aug 5, 2013, 07:46 AM
    If he's in a dangerous situation - and it appears that he is - I would suggest petitioning the Court for custody. I agree - CPS may or may not get involved.

    I would request a Guardian Ad Litem on his behalf.

    Good luck - sounds like he could use some stability in his life.

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