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  • Aug 2, 2013, 06:16 PM
    Can dogs die from eating a cooked chicken bone with spices
    I was eating some chicken and I gave the rest to my shih tzu dog and he chewed the bone and swallowed it. Will he die or get sick and what r the symptoms?
  • Aug 2, 2013, 06:23 PM
    When his esophagus gets punctured from the sharp edges or his stomach or intestines..

    The spices are the least of the danger... though if garlic or Coca are in them they pose their own risks.

    The fact chicken bones break very sharp and jagged unlike any other bones that is the greatest risk.

    By the time there are symptoms it might be too late. I'd take it to the vet for X-rays and let the vet determine how much the risk is based on fragment sizes.
  • Aug 2, 2013, 06:28 PM
    Chicken bones splinter in a dog"s intestinal tract causing tearing and pain. Signs would be fresh blood in stool, and yes they can die from ruptures and bleed internally. Now, does this scare you from giving chicken bones to your pet?

    Why? What symptoms is your dog showing?
  • Aug 2, 2013, 07:17 PM
    The problem with bones when cooked is they are very brittle even if chewed up well they can present problems.
    As already mentioned, they can splinter and lacerate the digestive tract.
    Another danger is from impaction, the fragments will actually "stop up" the digestive tract refusing to let anything through, both can be life threatening.
    Given that your dog is likely pretty small that puts him at a little bit of a disadvantage, meaning there just isn't a lot of room in there.
    You need consult with your vet and in the meantime be watching for vomiting,
    Nausea, straining to have a bowel movement, bloody discharge from the anus or blood in the stool, lethargy or lack of appetite.
    If you are noticing any of these you need to get him in for a check sooner rather than later.
  • Aug 2, 2013, 07:37 PM
    Chicken bones are deadly for dogs, so yes, your dog can die from eating a chicken bone.
  • Aug 3, 2013, 09:28 AM
    I would also like to add that pork bones are also not safe and will shatter just like the chicken bones. Raw chicken bones are safe, pork well let just say pork is always a no no for animals.
    Chance are your dog is just fine, but I wouldn't do it again. Other things not good for dogs:
    Apple seeds
    Corn on the cob
    Fat trimmings
    Grapes and Raisins
    Macadamia nuts
    Raw eggs
    Raw fish
  • Aug 3, 2013, 11:16 AM
    Why are raw eggs bad? I feed my dogs raw eggs (Shells and all) often.

    The spices of your cooked chicken meal may give your dog major diarrhea. Diarrhea can lead to dehydration... so that alone could be dangerous and life threatening if not caught in time.

    Cooked chicken bones are bad for dogs to eat. They break off in sharp pieces and can do a lot of damage in the GI tract... but also keep in mind that dogs are designed to digest bones.

    Things to watch for after eating cooked bones would be unproductive vomiting. Wanting to drink lots of water than vomiting it back up. Painful abdomen. Excessive panting and possibly pacing and/or excessive sleep. Any of those signs show up, you need to rush your dog to the nearest, available vet.

    If you are overly concerned, you can always head into the E-Clinic and have an x-ray done to see where the bones are.
  • Aug 3, 2013, 11:21 AM
    "Raw chicken bones are safe"

    There are differing opinions about this, personally I don't think any bones are safe. There is the old argument that our domestic dogs ancestors ate bones, that may be true but,
    If a problem arose, who was there to notice it? The rest of the pack would quickly dispatch an ailing pack member.
  • Aug 3, 2013, 11:45 AM
    I've been feeding my dogs raw bones and meat and I haven't had any problems.

    The lady who mentored me said in the 15 years that she's fed raw, she only had one problem.. and that it was her fault. She gave a dog that was a chow hound a smaller bone and it did get caught in the esophagus.

    My dogs NEVER hack or choke or gag on raw bones like they do with rawhides. My opinion, rawhides are more dangerous than raw bones. But that's just my opinion.
  • Aug 3, 2013, 01:58 PM
    Ahh! Rawhides, how many of those surgeries have I helped with.
    I've always had at least one chowhound in the mix so I've always just played it safe and avoided things that have the potential to land me in an emergency situation.
    That's just me. I'm a safety freak :) Drives my co-workers crazy.
  • Aug 3, 2013, 09:11 PM
    The theory with raw versus cooked is that raw chicken bones are soft, they break apart very easily. Once cooked they harden, like wood, and splinter very easily. Because they're also hard, they can cause major issues that a raw bone can't.

    Having said that, I've never fed my dogs raw chicken bones, mainly because I never think to do it, also because I have a dog (my beagle) that likes to hide his treats and then guard them for days. I try to avoid this whenever possible.

    But, from talking to many breeders, and dog experts I know, raw chicken bones are actually not only safe, but good for your dog. But cooked is to be avoided at all costs.

    One thing I think should be mentioned (didn't notice if it had already), is that bread, or cottonballs, fed immediately after a dog eats cooked chicken bones, is recommended. The bread or cottonballs wraps around the bone and helps prevent it from splintering and causing any damage. Good luck getting a dog to eat cottonballs though. The bread is easier, especially if soaked in chicken broth, or something else the dog likes.
  • Aug 4, 2013, 09:30 AM
    I just figure that dogs live short lives.. might as well let them enjoy their lives and let them gnaw on a bone here and there.
  • Aug 4, 2013, 11:40 AM

    Originally Posted by Lucky098 View Post
    I just figure that dogs live short lives.. might as well let them enjoy their lives and let them gnaw on a bone here and there.

    I agree. But, having said that, there are bones, like cooked chicken bones, that should definitely be avoided at all times. No reason to make their short lives even shorter.
  • Aug 4, 2013, 01:08 PM
    Oh totally agree! I've never given my dogs a cooked bone.. not even on accident.

    I've done the raw chicken wings which went over well and raw spare ribs... Now we're working on the raw femur bones of bison lol
  • Aug 4, 2013, 07:53 PM

    Originally Posted by Lucky098 View Post
    Oh totally agree! I've never given my dogs a cooked bone.. not even on accident.

    I've done the raw chicken wings which went over well and raw spare ribs... Now we're working on the raw femur bones of bison lol

    I'm almost afraid to ask where you get raw bison bones. Eeek! ;)
  • Aug 4, 2013, 10:21 PM
    Lol the pet stores freezer..
  • Aug 5, 2013, 05:27 AM
    Isn't it gratifying, when someone asks a question, and you wonderful pet people come on with all of this free advice and feedback and the original poster can't take the time to reply or say thanks!

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