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  • Jul 5, 2013, 11:31 AM
    Relationship with my ex.
    My ex broke up with me 2 years ago. We had argued a lot throughout our relationship and were close to breaking up about 3 times. He then decided to break up with me and he didn't give me a reason.

    Recently he's been texting and calling me everyday wanting another chance one last time. We did share very good times but I'm scared and heart broken still. What should I do? Forget or try again?
  • Jul 5, 2013, 11:34 AM
    So whoever he was with dumped him and now he wants you back.

    After 2 years away from him and the arguing, why would you even consider going back to him?
  • Jul 5, 2013, 11:39 AM

    Originally Posted by odinn7 View Post
    So whoever he was with dumped him and now he wants you back.

    After 2 years away from him and the arguing, why would you even consider going back to him?

    Well see.. I still do love him very much but back then he had bad anger issues but now I really do see that he's better . And he's been telling me that he really does love me and wants to be with me so Im just confused and trying to consider it.
  • Jul 5, 2013, 11:40 AM
    Well then talk yourself into it and enjoy the time you spend with him until it all becomes the same as it was before. Most of the time when you get back with someone, it all ends up the same way.
  • Jul 5, 2013, 11:58 AM
    How do you know he's over his anger issues and not just on a good mood moment and wanting to impress you? IF you do decide to get back with him you need to make him tell you all the reasons he left that he would not tell you before and deal with each of those issues, before you even consider it
  • Jul 5, 2013, 12:00 PM
    I think you were over him, but the recent contact has caused old feelings to stir and come back to the surface. If you want to go back over old territory that's fine, but what makes you think he is better just because he said so and is putting his best foot forward to convince you things will be different?

    Follow your guts, and not just your heart on this one. Personally, I think you do better protecting yourself and keep moving forward, and not back. Just remember the heartbreak, and confusion from the first time, and avoid it completely.

    I just don't believe in getting dumped by the same person twice. I also bet he just got dumped recently himself. Do you know if that was the case?
  • Jul 5, 2013, 12:05 PM
    When someone dumps you the first time it's his fault.

    When he dumps you the second time it's your fault.

    I'd keep that in mind.
  • Jul 5, 2013, 12:09 PM
    I agree with the others that he probably got dumped recently and wants some easy way out of his hurt. He didn't give a flip about your heart when he left you.
  • Jul 5, 2013, 01:19 PM
    No one can tell you what to do. If you want to get back with him, go ahead. If things end up the same way, it's the consequence to your decision.

    Personally, I wouldn't get back with an ex. Although it may not seem like that initially, but after 2 years, one would think you can. Good luck.
  • Jul 5, 2013, 01:20 PM
    Geron 56 Then it looks like she got back together just for spite, also it is not as easy for a girl to dump a guy when in a more serious relationship. Abuse, finances and various responsibilities or dependencies make it harder for a girl to just dump a guy no matter how hard they may try
  • Jul 11, 2013, 07:18 PM
    From your new thread, I know you are 14 years old. This means you were twelve when he broke up with you.

    He is a young male going through puberty (if he is close to your age) which means anger management is going to be an issue as his body grows and adapts to the flood of hormones released during this time of development. If he was bad before, he could be worse now. No reason to take a chance.

    You are a young female and need to learn how to fully let go of the past. Some relationships are not meant to be no matter how much you think you love the person.

    Do not allow yourself to be talked into doing something you know isn't in your best interest just because he can be sweet and nice when he wants to be. Saying the word 'no' and meaning it can be a valuable lesson to learn. It can help clear the clouds of confusion.

    Frankly, you have other concerns to be worried about. Let the ex stay an ex.
  • Jul 11, 2013, 07:47 PM
    He is older than me by a few months which means that I was 13 and he was 14. I have an early winter birthday so I will be 15 pretty soon and who are you to tell me I have other concerns? I know for a fact I do I own up to that. I just think what you said was out of your place to even say.
  • Jul 11, 2013, 08:17 PM

    Originally Posted by AmazinglyUnperf View Post
    He is older than me by a few months which means that I was 13 and he was 14. I have an early winter birthday so I will be 15 pretty soon and who are you to tell me I have other concerns? I know for a fact I do I own up to that. I just think what you said was out of your place to even say.

    Who are you to get nasty because you don't like an answer?

    You do have other concerns than this idiot boy. There's school work and being a teenager among other things.

    But now, since we've all seen that you get upset when you get an answer that you don't like, I guess we can all just ask you how you want your answers and just tell you only what you want to hear... you know, so we don't offend the princess.
  • Jul 11, 2013, 08:24 PM

    Originally Posted by AmazinglyUnperf View Post
    He is older than me by a few months which means that I was 13 and he was 14. I have an early winter birthday so I will be 15 pretty soon and who are you to tell me I have other concerns? I know for a fact I do I own up to that. I just think what you said was out of your place to even say.

    You don't have other friends, family, chores, school, etc. to think and be concerned about?

    Everything I said except your age was about what you wrote in this thread. Saying, "No, I am not going to pulled back into past drama," is a valuable skill to learn.

    I have known males with anger issues at thirteen/fourteen years of age. They got worse as they went through puberty and finally got a handle on their emotions when they hit their late teens. I am not saying he is a bad kid. Just that you do not need to make yourself an emotional punching ball. Love does not mean you put yourself in harm's way.

    Please listen and think instead of learning the lesson the hard way.
  • Jul 11, 2013, 08:31 PM
    Who ever said I was upset.. Im not mad at all I was just letting you know that yes I do know I have many other concerns.
  • Jul 15, 2013, 09:18 AM
    "He is older than me by a few months which means that I was 13 and he was 14. I have an early winter birthday so I will be 15 pretty soon and who are you to tell me I have other concerns? I know for a fact I do I own up to that. I just think what you said was out of your place to even say."

    If this is you not upset I can't imagine what you sound like when you are upset.

    First, you need to post a whole lot more often before you begin to direct AMHD. Second, why bite the hand that feeds you?

    You asked the question. No one else did.

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