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  • Jun 27, 2013, 09:15 PM
    Husband taking heart meds and drinking vodka.
    Well hubby went to the hospital and in very bad shape. After 8 days they said his heart is at 20% working. He has drank his whole life but had quit for little over 2 months and all this happen. He is on many many meds some of them are for heart failure, blood thinner high blood pressure.. many more. Right now he is so drunk on Vodka. It's been a pint a day for 4 days. Now he's had a 5th today and talking off the wall, falling and mean don't know what to do. I'm scared. He just walked into the room and is just out of his mind. He has been talking off the wall for over 2 hours now. He is 54 years old and I'm sure he's going to die soon. Sad but true. I don't know what to do.
  • Jun 27, 2013, 09:23 PM
    He needs to be seen by a Doctor. With the amount of medication he is on, and the alcohol he has been consuming- why have you not already called his Doctor?

    If his behavior now is confused, incoherent, aggressive, or threatening, or if he has any other symptoms that you would consider to be unusual- he needs to see his Doctor. Is it possible to get him to the hospital?

    If you know of an after hours clinic, or a medical hotline, or you can call emergency for advice, find someone to explain to, what you have explained here.

    It is impossible to judge just what condition he is in, and I am not a medical Doctor, but, from what you have said, before he gets any worse, get help.
  • Jun 27, 2013, 09:43 PM
    If you are in the US, call 911. He needs medical attention at once.
  • Jun 28, 2013, 09:06 AM
    Right, call the Police, report a medical emergency, report his behavior/conduct, get him admitted to the hospital.

    Why do you believe he is going to die soon?
  • Jun 28, 2013, 12:16 PM

    Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    Right, call the Police, report a medical emergency, report his behavior/conduct, get him admitted to the hospital.

    Why do you believe he is going to die soon?

    Because of everything I have heard and read and the doc today.. well his heart is at only 20% and taking blood thinners.. doc had to ask him if he is bleeding from his nose or other places.. meaning he could start bleeding from inside.. because of the vodka and blood thinners.. Just don't know any more.. been 30 yrs now I have put up with all this and we have 3 kids and 9 grandkids.. try talking to him and he say's it doesn't matter he's on his way out anyway... sad but he won't leave.. told him your not going to sit here and kill yourself... I'm Just Lost

    Oh and the doc wants him to go to rehab.. that won't happen.. he's been there many times.. but before he got sick he had been 2 months sober..


    Originally Posted by J_9 View Post
    If you are in the US, call 911. He needs medical attention at once.

    Thanks but he passed out last night.. but after the doc's today drank again.. a 1/2 pint.. yesterday a 5th.. 4 days before that a pint everyday..


    Originally Posted by Jake2008 View Post
    He needs to be seen by a Doctor. With the amount of medication he is on, and the alcohol he has been consuming- why have you not already called his Doctor?

    If his behavior now is confused, incoherent, aggressive, or threatening, or if he has any other symptoms that you would consider to be unusual- he needs to see his Doctor. Is it possible to get him to the hospital?

    If you know of an after hours clinic, or a medical hotline, or you can call emergency for advice, find someone to explain to, what you have explained here.

    It is impossible to judge just what condition he is in, and I am not a medical Doctor, but, from what you have said, before he gets any worse, get help.

    Iam in the US and he did see his doc today.. and if I call someone and if he refuses to go they won't take him... been here and have tried that

    Jake he refuses to go in.. he did see the doc.. he has told him.. I asked my hubby today why did he start drinking again knowing what's happening to him.. all he could say is I'm on my way out anyway

    Sorry.. I'm not dumb to all of this guess was lost last night and had to type out what was going on.. I'll check back later.. thanks everyone.. Just lost and sad here.. I did tell him today he's being selfish.. killing himself.. but guess he's always been selfish.. hes a Drunk... I'm just so tired... Thanks again for letting me dump
  • Jun 29, 2013, 02:53 AM
    If he continues to drink, start making funeral arrangements, and start figuring what you will do in life, after he is dead.
  • Jun 29, 2013, 10:10 AM
    Homegirl 50
    I'd make sure his insurance is up to date and ask him if he has preferences about funeral arrangements. He seems to know what he's doing and you seem to know the drill.
    I wish you well.
  • Jun 29, 2013, 02:12 PM
    Poor poor lady sorry to hear that. Listen to the advice make sure he's insured he is killing himself. Get your black dress ready.
  • Jul 3, 2013, 09:19 PM

    Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    Right, call the Police, report a medical emergency, report his behavior/conduct, get him admitted to the hospital.

    Why do you believe he is going to die soon?

    Judy, really?? You are a nurse correct?
  • Jul 3, 2013, 09:34 PM

    Judy, really?? You are a nurse correct?
    No, Judy is not a nurse, she is an investigator.
  • Jul 3, 2013, 09:43 PM
    I stand corrected. For some reason I thought she was a nurse... Sorry Judy. But really, his symptoms and actions...
  • Jul 4, 2013, 06:12 AM
    His symptoms and actions call for an intervention with medical monitoring and help. A drunk on medication for heart and blood pressure problems is a disaster waiting to happen and no good results can come of this behavior.

    Unfortunately, he has to take responsibility for his actions and want to do better for anything positive to occur. If he doesn't he and his family will suffer through this behavior and be dragged down by it. I don't think she can do much on her own but calling an ambulance during a crisis could be a start to bringing this thing to light and get him some serious help as well as the proper help and support for the spouse that deals with this also.

    Calling an ambulance keeps him out of jail while getting proper medical attention for this drunk, but the cops are a strong alternative also. They often take unruly drunks with medical issues to the hospital themselves to sober up in a safe setting.

    I also recommend a support group for family members caught up in this behavior like Alanon, to understand what's going on and what to do about it for yourself, and get proper support and guidance from very experienced people with the same problem.
  • Jul 4, 2013, 09:06 AM
    "Judy,,really??? You are a nurse correct?"

    Nope, as J9 said, I'm an investigator with an unfortunate history of knowing how cardiac problems evolve as well as a late husband who lived over 5 years after being told he had 3 months to live.

    I questioned why the OP was so sure that her husband was going to do. Perhaps if she had a somewhat different attitude both toward him and the situation her life would be easier. Walking around thinking he's going to drop dead any minute probably isn't good for her mental health, and I can't imagine it's helping him stay sober.

    Me? I never believed my husband was going to die. Pretty soon he didn't believe it either.

    Not saying it cures anything, but hope is never a bad thing.
  • Jul 4, 2013, 10:09 AM
    I agree,, hope is a wonderful thing and is keeping me going. My response is because of his self destructive activity. His heart, if as diseased as the wife states, will not last. The best she could do is take him to a hospital but it has to be voluntary on his part He is going to WANT to go. Alcoholism is a terrible disease. I lost my son's Mom to it and an awful lot of friends. I pray for her and him but it will ultimately be up to him to make the decision.

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