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  • Mar 23, 2007, 04:57 AM
    Not fired, then fired, after boss was beat
    I was called in the office and confronted about time differences on the time sheet. I had to wait for a customer to get home that morning, (30 min.). I called the office and informed them. So I added 15 extra minutes to my time. I was told that I couldn't do that. I asked was I being fired for it they said no, just be more careful about my time. During the confrontation with employer, I was asked how I would explain this to my 13 year daughter. I looked at them funny and asked what do you mean, I was told that because I took 15 minutes that I wasn't bringing my child up in the right way. I got really upset and told my employer that my child had nothing to do it and he had no right to bring her into it. So, when my boyfriend called I had been crying. Keep in mind that I have been insulted by my employer before for things that I had nothing to do with. They just can't seem to talk to their employees with respect. I've witnessed several being talked down too. Back to the point, my boyfriend, tired of them and the way they treat me and others, goes to the office and confronts my boss, asking him what his problem was and why he had to continually upset me. Well my boss gets in his face and my boyfriend hit him in the face about three times and left. We've got a lawyer for his charge. But, then I was called and told that my services were no longer needed. This happened over a weekend. So, I didn't go in that Monday, I was told that if I did I would be escorted off the property. I got my termination letter in the mail and it stated I was fired because of my time differences. The very reason I was told that I wasn't. I was fired because of what my boyfriend did. What can I do? Also, the company is now fighting my unemployment insurance benefits.
  • Mar 23, 2007, 05:19 AM
    Do you live in a state where the employee is considered "at will"? That means you can be fired for any reason. If you do not have a contract with your employer, you are going to be mostly out of luck here.

    They can use the issue of the time sheet - even though you were originally told you were not being fired for this. What is getting you fired is your bf's involvement in this - which he had no business even going into your boss on your behalf. The part about your child - that did not need to come into the situation either, but your employer put her there.

    Of course the employer is going to fit unemploymernt - that is just what an employer does - but you need to fight back, appeal if necessary. I would also consult an attorney, for the unemployment. You can file a complaint against your employer with the EOEC - Equal Opportunity Employment Commission. That is a federal agency that deals with employer-employee relationships.

    I do not know how successful you will be on this but I do wish you the very best. Hope you find a better job.
  • Mar 23, 2007, 05:36 AM
    Thanks! I figured they could fire my for whatever reason. But the I do plan to appeal the decision on my unemployment if I'm denied. Thanks for the encouragement to do so.
  • Mar 23, 2007, 06:22 AM
    Frankly, I don't think you will win. If I was your employer, I would fire you for creating a danger to the workplace. Allowing your boyfriend to confront your employer did create that danger. If they explain that to unemployment, they will win. With situations of employees "going postal", this was an intolerable situation and more than sufficient grounds for termination (not that they needed any).

    Also frankly, I don't think the question about your daughter was so out of line. The employer believed you were padding your time. Padding time sheets is, in effect stealing from the company. So he was asking you how you would explain to your daughter that you were stealing. I don't think that was out of line. I would have answered, I would tell the daughter that I made a mistake in thinking the extra time I had to wait was billable time.

    I do agree, that he went over the line in saying you were raising the child the wrong way. My response to that would have been; I'm sorry, but I made a mistake here in understanding what was company time and what wasn't. But that has nothing to do with how I raise my daughter. You have neither the knowledge of how I raise my daughter nor the right to make such a comment. Please keep such comments to yourself in the future.

    I don't know whether your boyfriend told you he was going to confront the boss. If he did you should have stopped him.

    But the bottom line is they had sufficient cause to terminate you and deny you unemployment.
  • Mar 23, 2007, 06:36 AM
    You were definitely fired with a good cause as your b/f was way out of line, despite that being the reason officially. How far that takes you with the EEOC I don't know, but if you do not follow up with them, you will definitely get nothing.
  • Mar 23, 2007, 12:03 PM
    No I didn't know that he was going to confront him. I don't agree that I should be punished for his doings, and then lied to about the reason. Yes I made it clear that is was an honest mistake. I had worked hard for this company, top cleaner, had just gotten my 5th raise in a year and half. But I guess that doesn't matter either.
  • Mar 23, 2007, 12:33 PM
    Apparently it didn't matter. While you may not feel you should be punished for his actions, the person to really be angry at is him. While I understand his desire to defend you, it was misplaced and caused your being fired. But his actions were on your behalf. Whether you authorized them or not, you bear responsibility.

    Why they lied about why you were fired, I don't know because they didn't have to. The facts are that your boyfriend entered the office and assaulted the manager. Those are sufficient grounds to terminate you for cause. Which would then affect your unemployment.

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