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  • May 24, 2013, 07:21 PM
    robin bost
    The title of this movie is unknown
    I've been looking for a movie that I do not know the title of and I would like your help. I can recall several scenes from the movie like, there is a couple riding down a pair of outside steps on a cycle and as they go down the steps the lady's panties show because she has on a mini dress. Also in the movie the villain tries to escape and is shot with an arrow or harpoon while in a walk in box that's being pulled up by a plane. I remember the song being played in the background as "Hammer Head. The escape scene was on this island where a bunch of hippies were dancing. This movies takes place, in the 60's I believe because of the style of clothing and the hippies. Good luck helping me find the name of this movies. It could be a Bond film but I'm not too sure
  • May 25, 2013, 12:23 AM
    The name of the movie is, in fact, Hammerhead (1968)

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