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  • May 22, 2013, 06:59 PM
    Lymph node swollen and painful I think
    I am almost positive that it's a lymph node. Right at the end of my jaw, under the molars, kind of feels connected to my ear somehow. When I bite down, it hurts SO BAD, from my jaw, to my ear. But when I poke and push at my teeth and gums, no pain.

    My question is, do I see a doctor? Or a dentist?

    I know that sounds like a stupid question. I certainly feel stupid for asking. But I seriously am trying to figure out who to see lol.
  • May 22, 2013, 08:46 PM
    I've had this before and it was a dental issue. I'm obviously not a dentist, but you need to start somewhere. I hope you'll be fine!!
  • May 22, 2013, 11:46 PM
    Yes, I would go to a dentist first.
  • May 23, 2013, 05:32 PM
    Thanks ladies. That was my first instinct too. But given that it might be a lymph node I also thought primary doc lol

    Thanks :)
  • May 23, 2013, 06:54 PM
    It isn't your lymph node.
  • May 23, 2013, 07:15 PM
    Oh dear. What could it be then? I was kind of hoping a round of antibiotics would take care of it :(
  • May 23, 2013, 07:24 PM
    I'd see your doctor first. If it's a normal medical issue, your doctor will either request tests, or refer you to the proper doctor. A dentist can only tell you it's not tooth related.

    As for your question of what it could be, Jennie, you know we can't diagnose on this site. You also know that all the responses you're getting aren't from doctors or dentists. It's really your call what you decide to do. We can only guess. The decision is ultimately yours.

    Good luck.
  • May 24, 2013, 03:31 AM
    I should expound on that, Jennie. You lymph node is normally up behind your ear, not under the jaw. So I would have to agree with others, dental issue.
  • May 24, 2013, 04:42 AM
    There are 500-600 lymph nodes throughout the body, but there are also countless lymphatic vessels making up the entire system, and there are plenty of them in the head, including all around the neck and jaw. Even the tonsils and adenoids are lymphatic.
    I vote for dentist first. I have had 2 major problems (ear pain and chronic bronchitis) that were not diagnosed by MDs but by dentists, the second one a periodontist.
  • May 24, 2013, 06:58 AM
    @joy. We would all look pretty alien if 600 lymph nodes became swollen at any one time. Here are the major lymph nodes and the largest, although no bigger then 2 cm. Anything else is auxiliary. These major lymph nodes are the ones that signal the body's immune system of disease and infectiion.

    Location :

    Cervical lymph nodes
    are present in the neck region. They help in moving our neck flexibly and protect the pharynx and tonsils area. If there is any abnormal movement of lymph cells in this area, it may cause plump in the neck, resulting in change of voice, coughing and formation of yellow phlegm. Enlargement of lymph nodes in the neck may give problems like weight loss and lethargy.

    Axillary lymph nodes
    are present in the armpit

    Supraclavicular lymph nodes are seen in the collar bone.

    Mediastinal nodes are found in the lung sacs located between the pleural sacs and behind the sternum.
  • May 24, 2013, 07:01 AM
    I looked them up when my dad had melanoma on his leg and they opened him up from his abdomen to his calf to take out long strings of them, not enlarged, but possibly cancerous. I was actually surprised this morning to find out that there are only 500 to 600.
  • May 24, 2013, 11:13 AM
    Here is a picture of the lymphatic system. All of the green dots are lymph nodes.

  • May 24, 2013, 12:24 PM
    I believe those are the nodes most often seen swollen, but far from all of them.
    When I had mono, for instance, the whole back of my head was a mass of swollen nodes.
    From the page on Cervical Lymph Nodes:
    And that's not even the deep ones.
    Gray's Anatomy calls them glands.
  • May 24, 2013, 02:16 PM
    There are literally hundreds and hundreds of lymph nodes throughout the body. And every person actually has a different amount. For example, when I had my mastectomy the doctor removed 7 lymph nodes from my underarm. He told me that the range in that area of the body is between 5-15 lymph nodes.


    The body has between 501 and 700 lymph nodes (the number of nodes varies from individual to individual).
    About half of the nodes are in the middle of your body (stomach or abdominal cavity).
    The lymph nodes near your armpits and groin have about 100 nodes.
    Found here... Lymphedema-Introduction
  • May 24, 2013, 02:17 PM
    Jenny, can you point to where you are swollen on that picture I posted?
  • May 25, 2013, 05:45 PM
    Not on that picture. I couldn't pin point the spot well enough.
    But I did on this...

    The pain is on the jaw between the Parotid, and Submental. But not close to or towards the tonsils.

    In fact, Im starting to think it IS my teeth/jaw rather than a lymphnode. I am starting to notice its ONLY at night. I have always been a teeth grinder, and sometimes get headaches from it, but it could be finally affecting my jaw. I also have both an overbite and an overjet, and have since I was little.

    Im going to hit the drug store today or tomorrow, and get myself a good night guard, see if that helps.

    And thank you all. Ill get in with my primary sometime this week!
  • Jun 10, 2013, 02:54 PM
    Thank you all for the help!! I saw my doctor and he said that my wisdom tooth on the bottom left was infected. He gave me some motrin, and told me to see a dentist. The dentist looked and said he was surprised to see it last this long lol.
    He pulled it, and had to use 3 stitches. Then also gave me a night guard, he said that the tooth may not have gotten so bad and so painful if not for my teeth clenching at night while I sleep.
    With the tooth gone, and the night guard, and the swelling going down, I have been waking up with no pain for the last 3 days :) even the headaches (from my teeth grinding/clenching) was gone! It was wonderful to wake up in the morning without the 'regular morning headache'
  • Jun 10, 2013, 02:55 PM

    Originally Posted by jenniepepsi View Post
    Thank you all for the help!!! I saw my doctor and he said that my wisdom tooth on the bottom left was infected. he gave me some motrin, and told me to see a dentist. the dentist looked and said he was surprised to see it last this long lol.
    he pulled it, and had to use 3 stitches. then also gave me a night guard, he said that the tooth may not have gotten so bad and so painful if not for my teeth clenching at night while i sleep.
    with the tooth gone, and the night guard, and the swelling going down, i have been waking up with no pain for the last 3 days :) even the headaches (from my teeth grinding/clenching) was gone! It was wonderful to wake up in the morning without the 'regular morning headache'

    Ooh, I win! I said dental issue. I hope you feel better soon!
  • Jun 10, 2013, 03:04 PM
    Hey, I seconded the motion.
    But all that matters is that it was attended to.
    Now can you fix all my problems? (S'OK, I know what they are.. )
  • Jun 10, 2013, 04:27 PM
    I told you it wasn't your lymph node

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