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  • May 17, 2013, 11:20 PM
    Needing help
    My 16yo girlfriend is pregnant I am 31 I have already contacted 27 lawyers in Mississippi about the age of consent and it is legal for us to be together... My conser is her parents are forcing her to move over 3 hours away and are saying they are going to keep my child and gifriend "hidden" from me and not let me be in their lives... What can I do... And if you only going to reply with stupidity and ignorance please just don't even bother replying...
  • May 17, 2013, 11:27 PM
    You can't do anything. Since she is a minor, her parents have the right to keep their child from adult perverts any way they so choose.
  • May 17, 2013, 11:35 PM

    Originally Posted by J_9 View Post
    You can't do anything. Since she is a minor, her parents have the right to keep their child from adult perverts any way they so choose.

    First of all I am not a pervert... Second you didn't read all of what I said so if your just going to browse the Internet to make arrogant remarks to people who needing advice waste someone else's time... Not everyone in this world is a bad person or have the wrong intentions
  • May 17, 2013, 11:39 PM
    A 31 year old man has no business being with a 16 year old child. You will not find one member of this site that will agree with you, and I was much nicer than any of the responses you will get to this question.

    I read all of what your wrote, and if that were my daughter I would be keeping her away from you also.

    Yes, her parents CAN take her and hide her from you as she is still a minor and under their control.


    if your just going to browse the Internet
    Oh, I'm not browsing the internet, I am a moderator of this site.

    If you don't have very thick skin you won't want to read the responses you get from some of the more vocal members of this site.
  • May 17, 2013, 11:51 PM
    My question has to do with the unborn child what can I do to keep them from taking my child from me... Both of my gfs parents talk down to her calling her names they stripped her room and she only has a bed in her room my family and I truly care for her and want her to live with us not only for my gfs well being but also out of concern for the unborn child as well. I can't help that the person I happened to fall in love with happens to be 15 years younger than me.. 200 years ago there would not even be one problem with this.. I am worried that they move they will mistreat my child because of our ages..
  • May 17, 2013, 11:58 PM
    It sounds like her parents are good parents and punishing her for her wrongdoing.

    Don't give me the 200 years ago BS. This isn't 200 years ago, not very mature sounding for a 31 year old. That's the sort of thing teens say.

    The only thing you can do is register with your State's Putative Father's Registry.

    You might want to consider getting some counseling as well.
  • May 18, 2013, 12:05 AM
    Them stripping her room was not out of punishment her 14 yo sister has had sex with 43 guys does drugs skips school and she gets what ever she wants.. My girlfriend has good grade only had sex once no drugs goes to church yet her parents do not take care of her me and my family does I buy her clothes I buy her food so don't even go there about the punishment bs they have been treating her like this for 3 years now...
  • May 18, 2013, 12:19 AM
    I'm sorry, but the advice will not change.

    She is a minor, her parents can, and should, hide her from you.
  • May 18, 2013, 12:21 AM

    Originally Posted by J_9 View Post
    I'm sorry, but the advice will not change.

    She is a minor, her parents can, and should, hide her from you.

    Well... Ill seek help else where because you are not even understanding anything I am saying
  • May 18, 2013, 12:24 AM
    I completely understand what you are saying, it's YOU that doesn't understand that she is under the control of her parents because she is a minor.

    As far as being the father of her child and wanting rights to that child, you sign up for the Putative Father's Registry for your state prior to the birth of said child.
  • May 18, 2013, 12:54 AM
    Why 27 lawyers? You can find all this information in 5 minutes online.
    The age of consent as you know is 16.
    However emancipation is very difficult in Miss, and although marriage is a key reason, you can't marry her when she is 16 without parental permission.
    Emancipation is her only hope, and the court can make concessions outside of the specified requirements on a case by case basis.

    (I always worry when one parent refers to a child as 'my' child. It always causes problems down the line. I hope you will say 'our' in the future.)
  • May 18, 2013, 12:57 AM

    Originally Posted by joypulv View Post
    Why 27 lawyers? You can find all this information in 5 minutes online.
    The age of consent as you know is 16.
    However emancipation is very difficult in Miss, and although marriage is a key reason, you can't marry her when she is 16 without parental permission.
    Emancipation is her only hope, and the court can make concessions outside of the specified requirements on a case by case basis.

    (I always worry when one parent refers to a child as 'my' child. It always causes problems down the line. I hope you will say 'our' in the future.)

    Yes the baby is our baby I said mine being from my point of view and thank you actually replying to my post instead of being narrow minded
  • May 18, 2013, 01:17 AM

    Originally Posted by Yupickonme4 View Post
    Yes the baby is our baby I said mine being from my point of view and thank you actually replying to my post instead of being narrow minded

    I'm actually very disapproving and don't consider myself narrow minded. It is your responsibility as an adult to think of the consequences of pregnancy when having sex with a teen, who isn't really able to see how it will rob her of her youth for the next 18 years. It was selfish of you. A 16 year old should be out having fun and thinking of college or career and seeing the world, not sitting at home with her in laws and changing diapers.
  • May 18, 2013, 01:24 AM
    I'm not narrow minded either, I'm a responsible parent.
  • May 18, 2013, 03:19 AM
    'I said mine being from my point of view' is precisely my worry, which you don't seem to get. Those are people who do all their thinking from their point of view without regard to the other person.
  • May 18, 2013, 03:30 AM
    This story is so sick and perverted on so many levels. It leaves me wondering if the OP has congitive and/or mental defecits in that he does not understand just how wrong it is for him, a 31 year old man, to be with her, a 16 year old child.
  • May 18, 2013, 04:17 AM

    Originally Posted by Yupickonme4 View Post
    First of all I am not a pervert ... Second you didn't read all of what I said so if your just going to browse the Internet to make arrogant remarks to people who needing advice waste someone else's time ... Not everyone in this world is a bad person or have the wrong intentions

    Actually you are a pervert and a child molester. Also I hope they throw the book at you. What the lawyers told you was only partly true. The age of consent is only one part of the equation. You can be put in prison for many other things that you have already violated. So if the parents push it your not going to see your child anyway since you will be behind bars.
  • May 18, 2013, 04:31 AM
    I find it ironic that the subject title of his thread is "needing help." It's quite obvious that the OP needs help, but not the kind he is actually looking for.
  • May 18, 2013, 04:50 AM

    Originally Posted by J_9 View Post
    I find it ironic that the subject title of his thread is "needing help." It's quite obvious that the OP needs help, but not the kind he is actually looking for.

    The fact of calling lawyers over and over again already shows his mindset. He knows what he did was wrong and is just trying to find out what he can get away with to control this child's life.
  • May 18, 2013, 04:54 AM
    First, do not even presume to dictate who can answer your questions and how. When you post a question on a site like this you open yourself up to any answer that does not violate our rules.

    Second, clearly you understand that having sex with a minor is frowned on by society. You, as an adult should have never gotten involved with a child. I have to wonder what the circumstances where that you even got involved with her.

    Someone is considered to be a pervert when they are sexually attracted to minors. So yes you are a pervert. That you may only be attracted to this one child may be a mitigating factor. But, again, as an adult you should have known better.

    Your 27 attorneys were right. Under MS law you cannot be prosecuted for having sex with a 16 year old. But why didn't you ask the 27 attorneys about your legal rights to the child?

    As noted you can file with the putative father's registry, but the parents still control her. There is nothing you can do about that control until she is 18. And that is that.

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