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  • May 6, 2013, 05:00 AM
    I love to take photographs but I'm not a professional photographer. So I want to be a famous photographer. How to become an professional photographer?
  • May 6, 2013, 06:51 AM
    Well, first you learn how to spell photographs, photographers, words connected with the profession. Then you read books, take classes, find work as an apprentice, assistant. You decide on your speciality - portrait, still life, action - and pursue it.

    I work with a professional photographer who specializes in scenic photography and does all my accident scene photos. He's really, really good and has thousands and thousands of dollars in equipment.
  • May 6, 2013, 01:10 PM
    What kind of pictures are you wanting to take? Where does your passions take you? You really need to decide those first. Its not likely your going to become the next Ansel Adams but you can learn to hold your own and with some that will include building a following. Part of the problem your up against today is that the makers of cameras have made it very easy to take good quality pictures. So what do you plan on doing to stand out?
  • May 6, 2013, 11:45 PM

    Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    Well, first you learn how to spell photographs, photographers, words connected with the profession. Then you read books, take classes, find work as an apprentice, assistant. You decide on your speciality - portrait, still life, action - and pursue it.

    I work with a professional photographer who specializes in scenic photography and does all my accident scene photos. He's really, really good and has thousands and thousands of dollars in equipment.

    Thanks judy, your information is really helpful for me.
  • May 6, 2013, 11:48 PM

    Originally Posted by cdad View Post
    What kind of pictures are you wanting to take? Where does your passions take you? You really need to decide those first. Its not likely your going to become the next Ansel Adams but you can learn to hold your own and with some that will include building a following. Part of the problem your up against today is that the makers of cameras have made it very easy to take good quality pictures. So what do you plan on doing to stand out?

    cdad I want to take the pictures of animals & Birds. I'm passionate about wild life.
  • May 15, 2013, 08:01 PM
    Maybe you know some of this already...

    Study art and composition. Study about and with the masters of both painting, photography, and sculpture. You'll learn about the rule of thirds, diagonal lines, S-curves, using the subject to lead your eye, contrast, lighting and the golden hour, back lighting and silhouettes, providing surprises to your viewer. Copy the style of the photographers you admire. Subscribe to National Geographic.

    Get the best equipment you can afford. Learn technique. You'll learn about f-stops, shutter speeds, ISO, white balance (your camera can't compensate for changes in light like your eye/brain can.), depth of field. Learn post-processing techniques.

    Be in the right place at the right time. For wildlife photography, that means knowing about animals - their habits, their names, what's rare, special, unique, how to bait them, how to handle them. And it often means being brave - swimming, climbing, and bushwhacking and being able to travel. Put yourself in situations to get the one of a kind shot. Carry a small, high quality camera with you everywhere. Be patient, be stealthy, be ethical.

    To become famous start entering contests, sell your photos at the local crafts fair, take pictures for hire, get a job with a magazine or newspaper. You may have to start small. Become a photog for your school yearbook (if they still make those things), or newspaper. You'll find out quickly, if people like your style. Try not to get discouraged, the jobs are limited.

    ... in researching for this answer, it was easy to find wildlife photogs, like Andy Rouse. National Geographic

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