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  • Mar 22, 2007, 05:40 AM
    My mother is against me seeing my boyfriend. :(
    My mother is straight down against me seeing my boyfriend. Well i can see where she's coming from as im 15 years old and my boyfriend is 21. Now probably the first thing that comes to your head is...oh my, he must be some perveted man. But honestly he's not. He doesnt look his age and acts like hes an 18 year old or something. My mother is against me seeing him but she doesnt get it. Theres ten years difference between her and my dad and she says i must wait untill im 16 to be able to see him. I see age as just a number. Why label someone because of their age! it annoys me. Any advice? I just want her to let me do what i want. Im not a silly little girl, im mature for my age and now what is right and wrong.
  • Mar 22, 2007, 05:45 AM
    Try and see if she will let him come over to the house while she is home and maybe you guys watch a movie or bring in Pizza. Being a mom myself I agree 15 is a little young to go out on dates. But my parents did let guys come over to the house when I was 15 but not date until I was 16. At least if you can see him under there supervision they will grow to trust you and him... Give it time and try if he really cares he will agree and wait to go on a real date when you are 16.

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