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  • Apr 10, 2013, 11:43 PM
    Birth parent rights
    My baby is being adopted and her brith father is fully aware of her but wants nothing to do with her. With that being said I didn't give her his last name and did not list him As her father. He won't sign anything can he get in the way of her adoption
  • Apr 11, 2013, 12:11 AM
    There are several cases where the birth father reversed adoption because he was not informed/ did not give consent to adoption. / Baby Richard, Baby Jessica cases and recently there was a case in Nebraska/. I would suggest his rights to be terminated before adoption to take place.
  • Apr 11, 2013, 03:17 AM
    What makes you think the court will approve the adoption without his consent? Don't the adoptive parents have an attorney preparing the adoption paperwork?

    The court will require that the father be identified, that DNA testing be done (unless the father voluntarily acknowledges the child) and that the father agree to the adoption. It may be possible to have his rights terminated without his agreement. But you will have to prove that he was aware of the adoption and declined to be a part of it.

    If the adoptive parents are smart, they won't proceed without his agreement.

    And why wouldn't he sign the papers? If he wan'ts nothing to do with the child, this is his out. Once the adoption is final, then his connection to the child is severed. So its in his best interests to sign.

    Like I said, the adoptive parents NEED an attorney to make sure the adoption is approved by the courts. You should also have your own attorney to represent you.
  • Apr 11, 2013, 03:20 AM
    The father will have to be notified and his approval asked for, to get the adoption though.

    And yes, he could stop the adoption if he asked for custody of the child hisself.

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