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  • Apr 5, 2013, 10:59 AM
    I'm nervous
    I'm 16 and I'm sexually active. As far as I know there's nothing wrong with me, no pain or bleeding, I'm just going to the gynecologist for birth control. I'm really worried that the doctor will tell my mom that I am having sex. I just want to know if the doctor is able to tell my mom even though I ask him/her not to.
  • Apr 5, 2013, 11:03 AM
    In life it's a good rule of thumb that you should never do anything that you would be ashamed to tell your friends and family. That being said no your doctor won't tell your parents especially if you ask for privacy and to not have your mom in the room.

    PS... Your mom probably already knows, parents are smarter than you may think...
  • Apr 5, 2013, 11:06 AM
    At such a young age, you will become pregnant whether you want to or not. You are not responsible enough to be having sex all the time at 16. You are going to "mess up" and be pregnant. How will you handle that with your family. You going to work with a baby? IF you can find work.
  • Apr 5, 2013, 11:12 AM
    She doesn't know. I asked for the birth control so I would get pregnant. I told her I wanted it to regulate my period. And she's all for it. I've been researching the minor consent laws in Georgia, and to me, minor to doctor to parent laws contradict themselves.
    If I'm not sure that the doctor will respect my privacy I will not seek his/her help.
  • Apr 5, 2013, 11:23 AM

    Originally Posted by zyxwvut View Post
    She doesn't know. I asked for the birth control so i would get pregnant. I told her I wanted it to regulate my period. And she's all for it. I've been researching the minor consent laws in georgia, and to me, minor to doctor to parent laws contradict themselves.
    If I'm not sure that the doctor will respect my privacy I will not seek his/her help.

    Well your at a point now where your just going to have to ride this bad boy out I seriously doubt that your doctor will be out for blood and try and get you in trouble they know its not their place to interfere with your personal lives although I do believe that they will talk to you privately about the risk and dangers that you are treading into which I believe you should really think about.
  • Apr 5, 2013, 12:03 PM
    As far as I know, the only time a doctor can disclose medical info to your parents, is if it's a life or death situation and immediate medical care is needed, or you've agreed to allow your parents access to your medical files.

    I know that when I went on the pill at 17 my doctor could not legally disclose to my parents that I was sexually active. Of course I live in Canada, so the laws here may be different.

    Do you know what the legal age for sexual consent is where you live? In most states it's 16. I can't imagine that they'd make a law stating that you're legal to consent to sex at 16 but have no rights to privacy when purchasing birth control.

    Just my opinion, I haven't researched the law, so I really can't say that my opinion is 100% correct in regards to your legal rights.
  • Apr 5, 2013, 12:06 PM

    Originally Posted by fredg View Post
    At such a young age, you will become pregnant whether you want to or not. You are not responsible enough to be having sex all the time at 16. You are going to "mess up" and be pregnant. How will you handle that with your family. You going to work with a baby? IF you can find work.

    Fred, while I do agree that a 16 year old is not capable of handling the consequences of sex, the sad fact is that in most States the legal age of consent is 16.

    The OP didn't ask for our opinion about whether she should be having sex, she asked about getting the pill and whether the doctor can tell her mother that she's sexually active.

    Your post didn't even address the actual question.
  • Apr 5, 2013, 01:26 PM
    Would it just be easier if I don't tell the doctor I am sexually active? I know lying is bad. And I do know that the age of consent is 16. I'm just too afraid of my mom finding out and all hell breaking loose.
  • Apr 5, 2013, 02:09 PM

    Originally Posted by zyxwvut View Post
    Would it just be easier if I don't tell the doctor I am sexually active?? I know lying is bad. And I do know that the age of consent is 16. I'm just too afraid of my mom finding out and all hell breaking loose.

    It's never a good idea to lie to your doctor.

    When you go in ask him whether he's legally allowed to disclose anything you tell him in confidence.
  • Apr 5, 2013, 03:19 PM
    Okay, thank you for you're help (:
  • Apr 5, 2013, 03:29 PM

    Originally Posted by zyxwvut View Post
    Okay, thank you for you're help (:

    You're welcome. If you have any more questions, just ask, that's what we're here for. :)

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